SSE - Script execution plugin for Game AC testing

Disclaimer! This plugin does not endorse exploiting. This is only to see if your game’s protection is good enough. Do not use in online games or Team create games.

What is SSE?
SSE is a plugin which contains exploits such as speed hacks and fly hacks and noclip. mainly for game testing, SSE stands for Safe Script Execution.

How to use SSE?
To use SSE. you need to install the plugin and click the SSE button. image
You will now see a window appear. In this window you can use SSE.

On the right you will see the usable exploits. And on the left, we have buttons that do actions with the selected exploit.

Click on the exploit you choose and then press a button on the left sidebar. Each button has its own action.

Using SSE

The execute button image will run the selected exploit.


Editing scripts
With the Pen button, you can edit the code of the selected exploit. (Close the opened scripting window to save it.)

Editing variables
Click on the cogwheel button to open a settings menu.
This may appear red if you are not selecting any exploit.

Here you can duplicate, Delete, and edit variables of the exploit.

Adding your own exploits
Scroll the left sidebar until you find the + button.
This button will create a new exploit. You can rename exploits by double-clicking it.

Removing all saved plugin information and restoring default settings
Scroll the left sidebar until you find a trash can button. This will delete all saved presets. and other customization settings.

Window customizations
You can drag on the edges of the SSE window to expand it. And you can move it by holding click on the title bar.

Please note that this does not inject anything into your Roblox studio. It only runs code from the plugin.
This means you can not get banned for using it.

What SSE does not do.
SSE can not stop loaded exploits so you need to stop the play-test and redo it to stop the active exploits.

How to install SSE
Download the plugin from here. SSE - Roblox
After downloading it. You can restart roblox studio or close and reopen your save file.


Fairly sure most developpers have a free version of an exploit or has been given one for free by 3dsboi
But this is a nice testing tool, do you plan to add any kind of remote spy to it ?
It’s what most skiddies uses and that would help to see where we messed up.

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Yeah i plan to add a remote logger. but it was fun coding the SSE plugin.

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Thanks this is really cool!
It also helps me test my anticheat.

This is a cool plugin. But just be careful about testing your AntiCheat with free exploits or “safe script executions” because it isn’t always safe and you can get banned from it.

This is a cool plugin, I will definitely use this for my projects.

Its in Roblox studio… It doesn’t even actually 'hack" it only provides hacking scripts that can be run easily with the plugin. No script injector or anything.

New update to SSE from 0.0.0 to 1.0.0!
I added Remote spy. And a few more scripts and other things.