This is the official ranking system for Sky Thunder Duelists. You can find all the group roles here and how to obtain them.
To get ranked, ask someone ranked tester or above for a test duel. Show up to tournaments and events for promotions. You can get ranked up all the way to a Sky Thunder Dragon like this.
– Non ranked
- Visitor: Just joined the group, unknown roblox user
- Muted: Punished Member
- Non-ranked Duelist: Confirmed to be a duelist through game activity or wall comments
– Low ranks
- New Duelist: Learning how to play
- Sky Duelist: Knows how to play (basic rules)
- Sky Knight: Good Duelist (uses decent decks, some combos, uses spells, traps and monsters)
- Sky Paladin: Must first be a Sky Knight to obtain this rank as a promotion
- Sky Guardian: Must first be a Sky Paladin to obtain this rank as a promotion
- Sky Demon: Advanced player (can duel meta) or a promoted Sky Guardian
– Medium Ranks
- Thunder Demon: Must first be a Sky Demon to obtain this rank as a promotion
- Thunder Dragon: Must first be a Thunder Demon to obtain this rank as a promotion
- Sky Thunder Demon: This is a rank that can only be given through bo3 duels with admins. You need to be an extreme player. You probably win locals all the time.
- Sky Thunder Dragon: Must first be a Sky Thunder Demon to obtain this rank as a promotion
– High Ranks
- Sky Thunder Protector: This is the highest possible rank you can get for skill. You must first be a Sky Thunder rank, and can then challenge someone that already owns this rank for their spot or be promoted here from a Sky Thunder Dragon. There cannot be more than 5 protectors at once
- Rank Tester: Minimum Sky Demon and approved by me to rank players. Send me a message with the subject “ST Tester Application” to apply.
- Sky Moderator: Minimum Sky Knight and approved by me. You moderate the wall posts, address user behavior, and so on. You can mute and demote players.
- Thunder Moderator: Senior moderators with more authority - can host tourneys and exile players.
– Very High Ranks
- Sky Thunder Admin: Trusted members in charge of group - can host events
- Sky Thunder Leader: Owner (me) with all the power.