I want to edit the admin system SimpleAdmin made by Crywink.
Everytime I run a command, it gives me the error 06:21:39.840 ServerScriptService.Server.Core.Processor:280: ServerScriptService.SimpleAdmin.Loader.MainModule.Server.Dependencies.Commands:2341: stack overflow - Server - Processor:2801
So far I have tried looking on the DevForum, however nothing helped. I tried using task.delay() and task.defer() but still did nothing.
All I did was add two new roles (Security, Instructor) and changed the “Owners” role to “HighCommand” as seen in the image below.
I also changed all command role levels to fit with their usage (Warn with mods, ban with admin, etc). I also added four new commands (killonsight,unkillonsight,authorize,unauthorize) as seen in the snippet below.
Command Code Snippet
Name = "authorize";
Level = Levels.Security;
PermissionNodes = {"MANAGE_CHARACTERS"};
Aliases = {"auth"};
Args = {
Name = "Target";
Type = "player";
Run = function(plr, args)
Commands.Get("authorize").Run(plr, args);
plr.Character:WaitForChild("Head").OverheadUI["Clip 1"]["Clip 2"].PName.Text = plr.Name.."(AUTHORIZED)"
Name = "unauthorize";
Level = Levels.Security;
PermissionNodes = {"MANAGE_CHARACTERS"};
Aliases = {"unauth"};
Args = {
Name = "Target";
Type = "player";
Run = function(plr, args)
Commands.Get("authorize").Run(plr, args);
plr.Character:WaitForChild("Head").OverheadUI["Clip 1"]["Clip 2"].PName.Text = plr.Name
Name = "killonsight";
Level = Levels.Security;
PermissionNodes = {"MANAGE_CHARACTERS"};
Aliases = {"kos"};
Args = {
Name = "Target";
Type = "player";
Run = function(plr, args)
Commands.Get("authorize").Run(plr, args);
plr.Character:WaitForChild("Head").OverheadUI["Clip 1"]["Clip 2"].PName.Text = plr.Name.."(KILL ON SIGHT)"
plr.Character:WaitForChild("Head").OverheadUI["Clip 1"]["Clip 2"].PName.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 0, 0.0156863)
Name = "unkillonsight";
Level = Levels.Security;
PermissionNodes = {"MANAGE_CHARACTERS"};
Aliases = {"unkos"};
Args = {
Name = "Target";
Type = "player";
Any and all help is welcome.