Stacking proximity prompts

The one issue I’ve had with the new proximity prompts is the lack of automatic prompt stacking. The UIOffset property is supplied, but the main issue is seeing if prompts are stacked. The most ideal way to go about it is to edit the default appearance code where it positions the prompts’ offsets.

Assuming the code on the Style page is being used, how would I go about making the prompts stack when multiple prompts are showing on the same instance?

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You could change the offset with a localscript. That will only affect the client.

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I’m aware that I need to use a localscript. In the original post I mentioned that I’d be modifying the default style code of the prompts.

Ah okay. Then you would need to find all the proximity prompts on the instance, and draw them each using a uilistlayout.
To draw the ui could(maybe modify a little) use the “createPrompt” function in the provided script from Roblox. (line 126) That function has all the things you need.

When you draw the ui, you’ll also need to make functions that listens to when the inputkey is pressed, and unpressed. You’ll also need to listen to when the InputHoldBegan, InputHoldEnded, Triggered and TriggerEnded events.

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So you’re suggesting to modify how prompts are created to allow for prompts on the same instance to belong to the same BillboardGui then add a UIListLayout to center them?

I’m suggesting that you find out how many prompts there are in the instance, and then call the “createPromt” function for each proximitypromt. Then you should insert the ui in a frame, which contains a uilistlayout.
The createPromt function should handle most of the hard work for you.

I don’t think I’m understanding correctly. Could you elaborate or maybe write some example code?

I’ve not gotten time to write some example code for you currently.

What i mean is that when you run the function “createPromt” in the script which Roblox has provided as an example: here. The function creates the ui you see when you near a proximitypromt. You will need to create that for each proximity promt in your instance. The function handles the proximitypromt too.
You will have to use some of the other functions in the provided script from Roblox too, but you will have to modify them.

The uilistlayout is to make the different promts stack in a neat list layout, so it looks good.

I hope you could use my help. This is a pretty advanced thing you’re trying to do, but i hope you can manage it!

I will no longer be able to help you.