Staff in-game board

  1. i’m trying to make a board that says the staff ingame (just like in the screenshot under)

Immagine 2023-04-06 100433

  1. the only problem is, i don’t know where to start, i’m not experienced in such things so i need some help!
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Okay so there is a few different ways you could approach this, if your staff are in a specific group for example you could make a script to get every player, check if they are in the group and match a specific set of roles then clone a template GUI and use it in the board, and just skip all people which don’t match the requirements.

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-- Define staff table
local staff = {
	{name = "John Doe", role = "Admin"},
	{name = "Jane Smith", role = "Moderator"},
	{name = "Bob Johnson", role = "Moderator"}

-- Create SurfaceGui
local surfaceGui = script.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("SurfaceGui") or"SurfaceGui")
surfaceGui.Name = "StaffBoard"
surfaceGui.CanvasSize =, 100)
surfaceGui.Face = Enum.NormalId.Front -- Make the SurfaceGui face the front
surfaceGui.Parent = script.Parent

-- Create TextLabel
local textLabel = surfaceGui:FindFirstChildOfClass("TextLabel") or"TextLabel")
textLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1
textLabel.Name = "StaffList"
textLabel.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
textLabel.Text = textLabel.Text.."\n"
textLabel.Parent = surfaceGui

-- Add staff names to TextLabel
for i, staffMember in ipairs(staff) do
	textLabel.Text = textLabel.Text .. .. " - " .. staffMember.role .. "\n"

textLabel.TextColor3 =, 1, 1) -- White text
textLabel.TextScaled = true -- Adjust font size as needed
textLabel.Parent = surfaceGui

Screenshot that helps you: