Staff Information Handbook

Nix Cafe Staff Handbook


Welcome to the Nix Staff Handbook! As you proceed to read through this document you will come across a variety of staff rules and procedures. It is recommended that all members of the Staff Team carefully read through the beneficial information provided below. You are able to refer to this document when needed. If any unanswered questions remain, contact a member of the SHR Team or Staffing Department for further assistance.

Staff Rules

Rule 1: Professionalism

While we all love having fun there is a limit to what to can and can’t do. Being professional while in game, around allied representatives, and while in the training center is very key. This is very important because if you’re seen being unprofessional while in sight of any of these consequences might happen. Professionalism is very important if we wish to expand the community. Being professional is very important for future promotions for staffing members to look at as well. I don’t think it is needed to point out what is professional from what is not, as you all should know. If you have questions on permitted behavior, contact a Staffing or SHR member.

Rule 2: Respect

Respect is crucial. Respect I’m sure you all have heard before. Showing respect is very important in being successful at Nix’s Cafe, and must be shown in all places such as the cafe, the discord, around our allies, when talking to someone, and in many other places/situations. You can’t just choose to have respect now and then you must always have respect. Respect is a very key asset in being a staff member. As for who you must show respect too? You must show respect towards everyone. Even when having a conversation in Staff Chat. What is respect? Respect is being kind and not putting down your peers. If you don’t show respect towards your fellow peers you could be striked. I believe I don’t need to get into this further. Keep in mind that when caught in a situation where another member is being disrespectful, you should not disrespect them back. Ask them to stop instead, but do not promote drama. This will prevent consequences for yourself, as arguing is highly unprofessional and will not be excused. Same goes for harassment of any sort. If you have any questions about respect you may contact a SHR or a Staffing member.

Rule 3: Appropriate Behavior

Appropriate behavior, this means you should be following all rules and procedures in the game. This is very important to show professionalism as well. This means that you shouldn’t be using sentences in caps in the cafe or the training sessions as well as keeping a positive attitude. You should also be working well with your peers. Being inappropriate includes giving our personal information (such as your/another member’s age, location or passwords) will not be permitted. This information should be kept away from our channels and games, and exposing such information will result in consequences.

Rule 4: Sensitive Topics

This is when you talk about a topic that is not appropriate at all and can cause others distress. This is self explanatory that you shouldn’t have conversations that others either struggle with or might be scared of… (TW) Sensitive topics could involve discussing death, self harm, etc.

Rule 5: Advertising

We love growth within the community. However, we’d rather not have all of our members going around and advertising. Telling others to join a Discord server, follow a social media account, or things of that sort, are all considered advertising unless someone asks you to share information on an account or server with them. Even if so, please take that to DMs instead of having conversations about other groups/servers in our games or communication servers. Advertising, whether on Discord or in-game, will not be accepted. Keep it elsewhere, and report any behavior involving advertising to us immediately for us to take action accordingly.

Rule 6: Attire

Appropriate attire is required within Nix games and communication servers. When in game, your clothing should not contain bypassed words/images or any sort of NSFW content. Clothing such as crop tops are not deemed inappropriate and are allowed as long as they do not have inappropriate words or images. As for appropriate attire on our communication servers, your username and pfp must remain appropriate. This means no swearing or inappropriate images, If you are caught with inappropriate attire, whether on our games or in our communications server, you will be verbally asked to change. Refusal will simply result in a ban.

Rule 7: Behavior at Other Groups/Alliances

Behaving at other groups and or alliances. While being at a other group/alliance

You must be following all the rules above. When you are going to an alliance/group remember you’re not representing just you, you’re representing on behalf of Nix’s. You must remain respectful, polite, you must use grammar, wear an appropriate outfit, appropriate behavior, and much more. You must use grammar like you would at the cafe. If you are reported for bad behavior actions will be taken.

Strike System

Nix has constructed a strike system to handle members of the MR+ Team who do not follow our rules and procedures. These are logged on the communications server through a channel labeled #strike-log.

Possible reasons to receive a strike:

  • Unprofessional behavior

  • Advertising

  • Caps abuse

  • Involved in/promoting arguments

  • Hinting

  • Lack of grammar

  • Minor AA

  • Disrespect

Administrative Powers/Admin Abuse

Saying :cmds allows you to view your available commands. Keep in mind that certain commands are not allowed, even if the system allows you to use them. Our definition of abuse is when a MR+ with privileges takes advantage of them. There are two main forms of abuse that could take place within the group. Ranking abuse and in-game admin abuse. Both result in consequences depending on the severity.

Examples of ranking abuse:

Firing random members without a valid reasoning.

Promoting random members without a valid reasoning.

Demoting random members without a valid reasoning.

Examples of in-game abuse:

  • :kick (username) - With invalid reasoning

  • :ban (username) - With invalid reasoning

  • :pban (username) - With invalid reasoning

  • :warn (username) - With invalid reasoning

  • :to (username) - Spamming/repeatedly using when unnecessary

  • :h (text) - With invalid reasoning

  • :m (text) - With invalid reasoning

  • :sm (text) - With invalid reasoning

  • :name (username) (text) - Inappropriate/invalid reason

  • :skip (Music ID)

  • :res / :ref (username - No permission/spamming command for no reason)

  • :sit (username)

  • :fly (username)

Handling Disruptive Individuals

Trollers have a main goal: Getting attention and causing disruption.

If you have come across a troller, remind them of our rules and kindly ask them to stop. If they continue, warn them. After they have received two (2) warnings, they may be kicked from the corresponding server. This may be repeated until they have received the maximum amount of kicks (3). Once they have maximum kicks, they should be banned from the server. Exploiters do not receive warnings of any sort. This could be flying, walking through walls, etc. They are to be permanently banned immediately.

Training Procedures

  • Trainee member-Head Barista may be trained.
  • Staff Assistants may train/assist at a training.
  • Chief Staffing Officer + may Co-Host/Host a training.

During a training session your objective is to train Low Ranks on how to do their job properly. If you must go AFK and must step away from your duty you may ask the Host or Co-Host otherwise you must remain present. If you are confused at what you must be doing during a round you can refer to the training guide or ask one of your peers. While at the training center you must follow all of our rules. You must use proper grammar and if you mess up don’t fret you can just correct yourself. Make sure while at the training center you are wearing an appropriate outfit and make sure you’re on your best behavior.

Shift Procedures

Members of the MR team (Staff Assistant+) are eligible to host shifts for the community. During shifts, members of the LR team (Trainee Member+) are encouraged to serve customers, while members of the MR team are required to moderate the server.

It is important to note: shifts may only be hosted when training sessions are NOT in progress. This rule has been implemented and enforced to prevent any discordance between sessions.

Shift announcements are to be put out in the #shifts channel utilizing the format presented throughout the series of announcements. You’re more than welcome to customize your announcement formats, as long as all information remains the same.

Frequently Asked Questions

Most staff often have questions, it’s completely normal! Listed below are the ones that are asked most frequently and the answers to them.

How can I know when a training is being hosted?

To find out if a training is being hosted, you can easily check the training trello listed below! Please note that any training is open to cancellation due to some unforeseen circumstances as well as that the Staffing Officers are not always available to update the trello.

  • Nix Cafe Training Trello

How do I host a shift as an MR?

Hosting a shift is simple! Simply ping or message an HR+ and request for them to announce your shift. Be sure to remember send them your format to prevent any copied formats, remain creative! Each MR+ has their own shift announcement!

What is #strike-log?

Nix has constructed a strike system to handle members of the MR+ Team who do not follow our rules and procedures. There are multiple reasons you may be striked, more information can be found in pinned messages in #strike-log.

Who can I ask for questions?

Questions are completely normal, asking questions can help further expand your understanding of Nix operations. Questions are best to be directed towards any Corporate Assistant as they have a deep understanding of how Nix works.

How can I get promoted?

Receiving an MR+ promotion is not easy, it requires lot of activity and dedication towards Nix. Asking for a promotion or “hinting” towards a promotion is not recommended, it can result to a strike or maybe even a demotion. Members of the Staffing Department will discuss MR-HR promotions every 2 weeks and promotions will take place every other Tuesday.

How do I file an Inactivity Notice?

Only HR+ are required to file Inactivity Notices since they’re activity is monitored more strict;y compared to LRs and MRs. HRs may only file an Inactivity Notice for no more than 14 days every 2 months. Unless you privately message a Corporate Officer of Staffing and explain your reasoning, your Inactivity Notice will automatically be declined.

How do I claim a session as an HR+?

To claim a training session, you need to head on over to #session-logs and follow the format that can be found in pinned messages. Once you’ve filled everything out, you need to wait for a member of the Staffing Department to accept your session. Shortly after you will find the corresponding card be updated on the trello!


This guide has been created by the following wonderful members of the Staffing Department.

Any requests for changes may be sent to a member of the Staffing Department and they will be glad to consult suggestions.

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