So I’ve made these vests and wanna show them off to you!
Feedback appreciated!



So I’ve made these vests and wanna show them off to you!
Feedback appreciated!
The neon is a little much, like its a great vest model but the neon just makes it look like a bad scifi movie, If you could incorperate the neon in a different way it would be better.
They are meant to be noticeable
You can make it noticeable and look better, like a safety vest, try looking at scifi police reference images, you could also take a page out of D:BH and do gloing sleeve bands, just something that isnt a glowing brick on the front.
They do look good, but also a bit similar, maybe try different structures for each rank, and maybe try using reflective material or material similar to smooth metal for accents instead of neon.