Stages [Unique game inspired in my favorite games]: You would play it?

I would definitely try out this game, very interesting concept. I believe what you are going for here is kind of like a massive minigames that houses a bunch of different games. The only thing I would be concerned about here is optimization. If you are adding so much content you need to make sure it is properly optimized or else you’ll have issues with mobile players and players who have lower end PCs.

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My computer have a power of a moto g5 (my phone) and it runs correctly, that’s why every block set at the game is smooth plastic or neon. Well, but I will try to optimize the game more. :+1:


That is a good baseline to make your game off of, I wish you the best of luck and I’ll be waiting to see your game on the front page!


Thanks! Well, but if the game gets at the front page I wouldnt believe it, maybe something impossible


Instead of having two individual game modes, I’d recommend combining them into a single mode. I.e Climb to the peak of a mountain while avoiding boulders on the way up.
Climbing = minigame
Disaster = Avoid boulders to survive

So it’s a party game?

What purpose does nubits and cubits have? It seems as if rubits dominates the alternative currencies.

It’s not new, it’ll just be the first on the platform (unless others had attempted the same in the past). Mixing up known genres is a tactic normalized throughout the gaming industry.

While I applaud your ambitious attitude and welcome you into this industry with open arms you’re far from reaching the point of creating a unique concept. You’re purposefully taking known concepts/genres than placing it into the game’s design.

To better understand my point, we’ll use a chef as an example.

There are ambitious chefs that create their own recipe and there are chefs that follow a recipe. What you’re doing is combining multiple recipes to form a new recipe. As we all know, not every recipe will be as good as the original and sometimes even worse however you’ll never know until the results come in.

Not necessarily a suggestion, more so advice that I’d highly recommend taking into consideration. Familiarize yourself with other aspects of development, the less skills you’re familiar with the less valuable you are to the team. We’ve already checked off programming as an option however can you create UI, 3D model, or create audio? If not than your value has depreciated significantly.

That’s sweet… you genuinely believe a unique concept is a simplistic process. Allow reality seep in for a moment, it isn’t an easy process nor will your role be appreciated. Game designers are questioned until they’ve proven their worth. Game designing is stressful in the beginning of development, as you’ve got to make a good enough concept to pitch to the team. Stress,failure, and doubt is expected throughout this journey. If you can’t endure either of those, don’t pursue this role. It may be fun to be creative yet It’s never fun to have your concept rejected by your team.

My story

Throughout the 2 years I began this journey, I’ve gone through many ideas. I’ve invested hours into breaking apart mechanics, better understanding the fundamentals of gaming to go through hundreds of scrapped concepts that didn’t even manage to make it to a testing phase. This month alone I managed to create a concept decent enough to be considered acceptable by my team. 2 years of failure to only be accepted a month before reaching my 3rd year of failing. Do you know why it took me so long? Because I walk the same path as you, I too want to leave my mark on this platform by doing something different. It’s not an easy path to take nor do I recommend it to anyone because my mental health has depreciated over the years after enduring so much.

There’s a reason why people sellout, because it’s the easiest way to make it into this industry. Most don’t take risks because they don’t want to endure all the potential problems a risk comes with. Put it like this, a simulator has a 50% chance of failure whereas a new untrendy game has a 99% of failure. You only have that mere 1% chance of making it with an original concept.

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Get to work boy. Expect alot of motivation losses and stuff. But if it’s one thing that is sure it must be that you have a great concept here. It’s advanced, yes. It will be hard, yes. But I guess… success is longterm so you have to think longterm too?

Have to say it again. Let’s go, this is an awesome concept that I would love to play.


Disasters are technically different to Minigames

What do you mean with that

Cubits are 100 Nubits, i just made 2 cause i didn’t knew what name choose and Rubits are like Cubits but you cant buy it with robux and you earn them by working hard.

When i said “inspired” im not meaning that i will make the exact game. Make the exact game is “copying”

I don’t know what you mean with ambitious, but what for me it means, i will respond you that i’m making this for fun, not for being famous, rich, or anything else, for fun. Cause every game that i took as inspiration have stuff that i dont like and i want to make my own version so atleast i can play it alone or with my friends something that i like:

EPIC MINIGAMES: Some minigames are stressful for me
NATURAL DISASTERS: The one made by stickmasterluke you are only trying to survive and that’s it, there’s not a shop where you get gears, accesories, etc.
FART ATTACK (BOSS FIGHT GAMEMODE): You must fart toilet papers to damage the boss, i want that the players do more actions instead of only throwing stuff to the boss.
GUEST DEFENSE: The only game that i dont find something bad, only i change the style.

UI is not something that i like, 3D model is like UI but in 3D, and audio i dont have a powerful computer, and i dont have a room to do music. But with programming you can make everything you want.

I just started programming and you can’t ask someone like me, that he makes a house system with a placement module and etc etc. Something hard or impossible for people like me.

And about your story, i’m not good reading stuff but i saw that your projects have failed, as i said, i just want to create something that i want to enjoy and i don’t care about robux or being famous, i want to have fun.

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This is something that is hard to make as you said, i got alot of motivation losses but everything is to make a great game.

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Everyone here, i should make that you can only use one perk? (Gravity coil, Power ups) to prevent people abuse and to fix an issue, the issue is not breaking scripts or that stuff, just to make a “Remove Perk” slot

Well, I mean perks are ok but why not just use tools?

Would not recommend, in a new game you should really only have 1, max two forms of currency. Ideally one soft currency, one hard currency. Naming them something like ‘Gold’ or ‘Coins’ also makes it a lot easier for the player to interpret.

otherwise players may get confused and leave.

I thought about remove nubits, but I will have cubits and rubits (Like coins and diamonds) I have 2 currencies to prevent a pay2win game, I like how they sound: Nubits/Cubits/Rubits, well, the Cubits logo will be a square with a $, rubits is a red parallelogram with a $… I will share the images later

Perks are used to give you something like a boost, or something that benefit you. A gravity coil is a perk cause you use it to have a higher jump. Power ups like x2 XP will be added with a potion mesh, looking better

thats got nothing to do with my point, if it is not something players will read and know in less then a second thats a currency, it needs changing.

What do you mean with changing?

I’m going to come at you with a critique, so let me start with a positive note: Having an idea and trying to make it is great! If you think this would be a fun project, work on it! I noticed you said you wanted to do this for fun, and that you are still learning, and that right there is enough reason to make it. In my opinion the best way to learn programming and game design is to try and make games. Each try you’ll learn new things.

Now, onto my critique of this concept:

The idea honestly boils down to a minigame place. Round based with different categories of minigames (survive the disaster, defend the point, boss battle, etc). That’s not a bad thing, and I think minigame places can be very well done and very successful, but don’t spend your effort justifying that it’s not a minigame place because the core gameplay mechanics say otherwise.

I don’t think having two currencies that are actually one is a good idea. It’s very jarring. It adds unnecessary confusion to the mechanics of the game. If, at their core, Cubits are 100 Nubits, than Cubits have no purpose. Tell me which is more easy to understand:

3 Ren, 6 Tal, 7 Zu where 1 Ren is 12 Tal is 8 Zu


343 Zu

Clearly the second makes more sense and is easier to read and understand as a player. Although you use a simple base 100, the same concept applies, you’ve just added more information instead of just telling them how much money they have.

Additionally marking “Phases” and an Alpha/Beta without actual design principles isn’t good practice. You want each phase to specifically represent a part of development.

Overall don’t stress about these things though, this is just my take on how you can improve your design process. Believe it or not when learning to code sometimes less is more in design. Sometimes just having a vague idea and seeing what you can do and figure out is a great way to learn!

I’m not good at English but I think I understand is that the game are Minigames with different gamemodes, well, There are approximately 5-10 Events (Minigames or disasters) in 5 minutes, so I can’t make a protect the statue game or a boss fight mode that it’s duration must be 45 secs. Not very funny.

I just said that I will remove nubits (Cubits/100) cause they are unnecessary, only there are left Cubits and rubits…

I also can’t understand this critique very well, but what I understand is that is not necessary add a “Phase” stage, Phase is a stage like pre alpha, but pre alpha name is similar like alpha, so to make it unique I changed to Phase, and also cause I just started developing, I set this to a Phase stage cause maybe alot of stuff will be broken at the time

Everything started as a Minigame project, but they weren’t unique and original, at the time I learned scripting and recreated my project just with different gamemodes and that stuff: This project

EDIT: You forgot to say if you would play it or not. Well, I hope you reply me about my replies of your critiques :+1:

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No worries, I promise your English is better than my any other language!

The reason I say not to focus too much on calling it “Not a Minigame place” is because ultimately the core mechanics you described are minigames. Even if a minigame contains other mini-minigames, haha. Likely people would describe the experience as, “Fast pace minigame sets” based on what you said. In a minigame setup, different games can for sure last different times. Like I said, just don’t get caught up on this, focus on making a good game not how you’d classify it.

Cool! I missed that part before I replied, I’m currently at work and replying between helping people at an IT desk, haha.

Basically my bit on the phases is this: Unless you can define what a phase of development is in advanced, don’t worry about defining it at all. Having “10 phases” doesn’t actually mean anything unless you map each phase to part of development giving it purpose. “In phase 1 we’ll have XYZ”

Just keep working on what you love, it sounds like you’re going in the right direction. Can’t say if I’d play it or not since I don’t play much on ROBLOX anymore. I still love development but growing up is a trap, haha. It’s work and stress and not getting enough sleep. hahaha.

Yeah, I’m trying to make the other gamemodes different… Trying to get Min. 3 Bosses.
Well, also cause I’m making different gamemodes cause the maps are not compatible for example: Disasters map are not compatible with a Protect the statue map (I have screenshots)… But my point is that everything are like basic and poorly made Minigames but better!

You gave me idea to phases be called: Phase X, Phase Y and Z… Phases are earlier updates that normally I will make every day or week with unfinished stuff to test.

Well thanks for your feedback, and I hope you would play my game, at least 1 time and give your like :+1:

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:grimacing: The cubits could get copyrighted as there is a game called cubic castles and the currency in that game is cubits