Staircase model

Made a staircase model for the entrance of a new hotel comm.

Feedback welcomed.


wow how long did you make all of that

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idk if it’s just me but the base it is on seems to be a bit more to the right. Try to fix that.

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everything except the slope. it looks kind of wonky from up close, but i like it otherwise


30 minutes

character limit ()()

Yeah, I did not take my shot properly so it really looks like that

Seems great, the only poit I could mention are these “screws” they look a bit missplaced at some positions. 9/10

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Love the small details on this model, looks amazing. In my opinion, there are excessive screws that aren’t supposed to be there. Otherwise, it’s amazing, indeed.


The model is great, but I feel like it would be better if the railings were thicker. In addition, the screws don’t look that detailed- i would at least union some notches into them or use a mesh. Otherwise, great work.

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