(It didnt let me include pictures for some reason.)
So I’ve been looking how to fix this for hours but I can’t seem to find a solution for this error the developer console:
Stances is not a valid member of Humanoid "Workspace.FungusDip.Humanoid"
Then I found the script that is most likely making it happen:
sound.SoundId = FootstepsSoundGroup:WaitForChild(humanoid.FloorMaterial).SoundId
sound.PlaybackSpeed = FootstepsSoundGroup:WaitForChild(humanoid.FloorMaterial).PlaybackSpeed * (vel.Magnitude/20)
sound.Volume = FootstepsSoundGroup:WaitForChild(humanoid.FloorMaterial).Volume * (vel.Magnitude/12) * humanoid.Parent.Humanoid.Stances.Loudness.Value
sound.EmitterSize = FootstepsSoundGroup:WaitForChild(humanoid.FloorMaterial).Volume * (vel.Magnitude/12) * 50 * humanoid.Parent.Humanoid.Stances.Loudness.Value
So my goal is to fix this error that I’ve been getting.
can u attach a screenshot of the workspace hierarchy?
For the humanoid or just the game?
only the humanoid hierarchy is needed
My bad if I got the wrong one I’m kinda unfamiliar with this type of stuff.
so Stances was never a part of Humanoid? or did it appear for sometime then disappeared?
It was never there, so maybe I just change the script or something??
There’s nothing called “Stances”, you can’t just get something that doesn’t exist.
Make sure you have “Stances” in Workspace.FungusDip.Humanoid.
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Alright thanks, I removed the line and it works now no more errors.