Greetings, and thank you for taking your time to come look at our Rank Information! Below you will find information for all of the ranks in our Roblox Group!
Community Ranks
Supporter: This rank is granted to anyone who joins our Roblox Group.
Customer: This rank is granted to members in the Roblox Group that have purchased one of Stans’ Graphics Services.
Premium Customer: This rank is given to members in the group that have contributed to Stans’ Graphics, or are very close friends to the Owners.
Support Ranks
Customer Service: This Rank is given to members that are either currently in training, and if so are ranked accordingly on the Communications Server, or have successfully gone through trainings for a qualifying rank being either, a Graphics Designer, or Ticket Management.
Head of Customer Service: This Rank is given to an Staff Member that has displayed an amazing work ethic during there time in Ticket Management, and works aside the Management Team to ensure that our Staff is the best quality
Head of Services: This Rank is given to an Staff Member that has displayed an amazing work ethic during there time as a Graphics Designer, and works aside the Management Team to ensure that our Staff is the best quality
Management Team
Management Officer: This Rank is given to members that have contributed a lot to Stans’ Graphics, and has a lot of benefits and skills to bring with them. They’re hand picked by the Ownership Team, and Board of Directors, and are in charge of managing the Heads of Staffing.
Board of Directors: This rank is given to Staff Members that will work aside with the Ownership Team, and help manage the community and overall appearance our company has on the general public, they’re also in charge of handling Staff Reports, and handling staff related issues. This is specifically hand picked by Stans, and the CCO.
Leadership Team
Director of Staffing: This rank is given to a Staff Member that will work aside with the Ownership Team, and Management Team. They will manage staffing, and staffing related inquires within Stans’ Graphics. They’re also in charge of handling Staff Reports alongside the Board of Directors.
Ownership Team
Chief Communications Officer: This user is very close with Stans, and is in charge of handling all Communications inquiries, and managing the Community. This role is not available currently, and will not be available unless the CCO decides to step down, and they will apoint another Management Team+ Member.
Chief Executive Officer: This Rank is the Founder of Stans’ Graphics, and manages everything within it, this rank will not be obtainable by anyone but Stans.