Star Platinum from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

Star Platinum (クレイジー・ダイヤモンド ) model made by me for my game.

[Don’t mind the shoulder decals, I am going to make them actual meshes.]


I would make his gloves and shoes green. Other than that, it looks great! :heart:

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This looks pretty good, well done!

That looks great! I like how well it looks with the picture, and the detail on it just amazes me.

I guess you could make the gloves green, as what @Crazedbrick1 just said.

Nice job! :+1:

The gloves are actually dark purple, that picture just has another color mix. :happy1:


This looks quite close to it’s animated counterpart. Like what everyone is saying, do try to make the gloves green.

Perfect! Its really good and it impresses me :v::ok_hand: