Star Platinum Model for a game I'm making


I’m very new to Blender (I’ve been modelling on Blender for around 1-2 months) and I’d like feedback on my Star Platinum model.

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Wow the detail you put in this is insane also are there PBR textues?

the face looks kinda weird, you should probably do something with it

That model looks absolutely amazing, wish I was good with blender, haha. I really like the depth on it all, but the only criticism is the face, as it just doesn’t really fit with the model. The scary thing is how the abs on Star Platinum quite literally look like someone drew them, which gives it a sort of touch that i just love. Great job!

Anime faces on Roblox look really weird but you have to settle with it. I tried to make Dio’s face in 3D since it looked really bad as just a 2D face, and it turned out really cursed. I wouldn’t recommend doing that.

Other stands have more of a robotic look so their faces could be made in 3D but Star Platinum is basically humanoid and doing this would just make it really uncanny.


Is it even possible to apply PBR textures to a mesh?

Now this looks pretty platinium

Abs are actually 3D but I also drew a texture ontop of them to make them anime-esque.

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without a texture it just looks like this

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It’s called Indoor Dynamic Environment Maps but It doesn’t appear in game yet

This is awesome, waaay better than any other star platinum model in other games. Well done!

It looks alright, although without reference as such I cannot provide feedback. What were your intentions? Are you happy with the outcome? What would YOU improve?