Star Wars Modeler and Builder Needed | Open

About Us

Hello! :slightly_smiling_face:

We’re creating a Star Wars style Border Roleplay game. We are looking for someone to create our map on Mustafar, someone to build and create the Rebel Base, GE Base, Point and Border, as well as someone to create character models.

The Team
@Tickosi - Group Owner
@HybridIV - Co-Owner
@You - Character Modeller
@You - Terrain Builder
@You - Builder/Modeler


Payment is in USD through PayPal. Refer to the amounts below:

Character Model ~ 10-15$
Map ~ 50$
Small Room ~ 10$
Medium Room ~ 15$
Large Room ~ 25$

Contact Us

You are required to have Discord to communicate with us efficiently. You can contact me Tickosi#0008, HybridIV#3328 or join our Discord through this code: 3mYeuSP93R

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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