STAR WARS Scarif Project


Hello, my group currently lacks a much larger budget for a more complex map, so we have decided to try and build a Raid/ Fort type of map which could make us some small cash.

The build will mostly be high levels of terrain, I will require some aspects like checkpoints, some barriers and defensive areas. Things that will be inluded:

  • Beach and water terrain, Scarif landscape
  • Good atmosphere for a fort/raid map
  • Points of interest, areas that people could claim
  • Citadel and some checkpoints
  • areas for Imperial Trainings; when our main map is developed, we will use Scarif as a training area


My budget is currently looking like:

  • 20k ROBUX FUNDS+
    100-200$ Paypal
    10k In Limiteds
    Due to this, percentage will probably be the main way to go ( up to 90% )

Contract Information

Only accepting DISCORD users, contact me on discord at:

Thank you!


Do you need a builder or are you the builder becuase I build.

If you read my whole post, the title or anything at that, I need a terrain maker mostly. The building is just the citadel tower and a few checkpoints and other things around the map, this is mostly terrain request.

I can do terrain and build if you want but other then that good luck!

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