Star Wars: The Old Republic | Rules and Community Guidelines


  • Roleplay at all times.
  • Do not admin abuse (if you have admin)
  • Do not take advantage of game bugs.
  • Do not use any type of external software that can give you an advantage over the rest of the players, exploits or any type of hacks. As well, do not try to DDoS the game.
  • Do not break game servers on purpose

Community Guidelines

  • Be respectful to all members in this group.
  • Spamming of any kind is not acceptable.
  • Any types of swearing is prohibited.
  • No advertising.
  • Inappropriate language is forbbiden.

If you see someone breaking these rules, report it to anyone that has the Galactic Moderator rank in the group.

Group: The Old Republic Group RP - Roblox

Follow this rules and community guidelines so everyone has fun!

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