Star Wars Yoda GFX

Hi, I’m Wolf and I just made this Star Wars Jedi GFX, I’m wondering on how to improve it and what you guys think of it!
Have a nice day,
Wolfy :grin:


First off, the watermark is way too big and blocks the gfx too much. Second thing I have to share is the lightsaber positioning is a bit weird. It’s going into the arm. I’ve never made a gfx, but these are the things I noticed.

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Thanks for the feedback, I will edit it later! :smiley:

Put little hairs in his ears and make the inside of the ears a little pink.

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OOh thanks great idea!! I’m not too sure on the hair but will add a bit of pink!

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Yeah Yoda is like my favorite Jedi.

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The lightsaber is very thick also try using a brighter green for the lightsaber and give it have a white middle. Also as @TJMagical has mentioned the lightsaber positioning is weird. I would also suggest making the green light a bit less powerful and make the white light that is shining onto Yoda not as bright.

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Hm I’m not too sure on how to add a white in the middle but I’ll try nonetheless, I’m still working on Jedi effects most seem to be used on After Effects, other dev forum users have at least, and I believed thats paid so will have to find an alternative. Also i see what you mean about the positioning it looks a lot like a javelin pose to me.

My friend, a fellow gfx artist, said I could remove some of the particles which are on top of/ on yoda’s body so they are only on the sides. Do you think that would look better or worse?