Stargate Horizons Game Information

Stargate Horizons Informational Guideline

The information on this forum post has been neatly organized and formatted to be as informative and compact as possible. This is official documentation for the Stargate Horizons game on Roblox.


This document was created with the hopes of having a somewhat centralized place for all public information about the Stargate Horizons Game to be stored, and to create an informative guide for players. In conjunction with this document, there is a Trello board where we put in-depth details on teams, as well as other general information.

The Stargate Horizons Community is similar to another community called “AFPU: Armed Forces and the People United”. More information on their community as a whole can be found in their Roblox group. This post is solely for the Stargate Horizons Community and no other Stargate communities on Roblox.

📋 Contacting Moderation 📋

:clipboard: How to Contact Support :clipboard:

At the moment, we only handle moderation issues directly through Discord. If you encounter a bug or glitch within the Stargate Horizons game, you can join the Stargate Horizons Discord server (found on the game page) to report it. Go to the Secondary Communications category, then the #Feedback channel, and you can make a Bug-Report Post or a Suggestion Post from there.

Encountering rule breakers or exploiters can ruin the experience for everyone. If you run into one, in the Stargate Horizons Discord server or in the Stargate Horizons game on Roblox, you can report these players using the #player_reports channel in the Ticket Center category of the Discord server. Proof is needed to punish rule-breakers, so please present that to the moderators dealing with your ticket if you have any. Screenshots and videos work as proof.

:clipboard: Providing Evidence :clipboard:

The moderation team for the Stargate Horizons community does not click/download random files sent to them, for their own safety. If you post a file that will not embed, make sure you have the “When uploaded directly to Discord” option enabled in the “Text & Images” section of the settings menu. If other options don’t work, you could use a free online converter (like CloudConvert) to convert the proof to an MP4 file.

Long-term solutions for taking screenshots could be software such as Gyazo, LightShot, or even the Snipping Tool by Windows. Long-term solutions for recording video could be software such as Outplayed, Medal, or using the Roblox recorder and uploading to Streamable. If you do not have or cannot get the aforementioned software, you could also alternatively record videos on the Roblox recorder and upload them to YouTube, then share the link accordingly with moderators in a ticket.

Credits and Team XP System

Credits and Team XP System

:moneybag: Credits

(Credits are displayed in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen)

You can earn credits in-game in a variety of ways. Credits are used to purchase in-game items/tools, events, weapons, and even XP boosters. The list below shows how to gain credits.

Ways to gain Credits:

  • Obtain 50 credits every 15 minutes as part of the paycheck system
  • Obtain Credits through the daily reward system
  • Complete a quest
  • Purchase Credits through the In Game Shop under the “Credits” tab

(Players can lose 20 credits by breaking windows in the facility, but not all windows can be broken)

:bar_chart: Team XP

(To view your XP, click the rank symbol on the top left of the screen, or press “;” if you use a computer)

There are no passive ways to earn XP, unlike with credits. Although players cannot earn XP just by playing, there are plenty of ways for you to gain XP. Below are listed some of the ways you can earn XP.

Ways to gain XP:

  • Complete a Quest
  • Win a Self Destruct Raid event on any team
  • Place C4
  • Dial the Stargate on the Combat Control Team
  • Heal someone while on any USAF team (Medical Department team gets more XP)
  • Revive someone
  • “Down” an enemy from any team (additional XP is rewarded when they die/respawn)
  • Hack the Self Destruct Device as an Off-Worlder
  • Disable the Self Destruct Device on any facility personnel team
  • Fix sublevel power as facility personnel
  • Destroy sublevel power as an Off-Worlder
  • Confiscate dropped Clearance Cards as Security Forces or National Intelligence Department
  • Find and return artifacts from another world to Dr. Jackson on Sublevel 15
  • Gain control of a Capture Point on a planet

🔔 Game Rules & Guidelines 🔔

:bell: Official Rules :bell:

:small_blue_diamond: Rule 1

Abide by the Roblox Terms of Use/Roblox Community Standards and all rules therein.

[1.1] Do not attempt to bypass/subvert the Roblox chat filters, by means or use of any characters/languages/misspellings, to speak obscenities or to otherwise be vulgar.

[1.2] Behaviors and messages of bullying, discrimination, harassment, or profanity, as well as “lewd” or “NSFW” content (including in voice chat), is prohibited.

[1.3] The use of exploit scripts to cause disruption, to cheat, to gain an advantage over others, or for any other reason, will result in serious punishment (and could very well lead to account deletion by Roblox if you are reported and they deem it necessary).

:small_blue_diamond: Rule 2

Trolling or Griefing (the act of purposefully abusing game mechanics at the expense of others) is prohibited. Examples may include, but are not limited to:

  • Pushing players into areas they shouldn’t go
  • Authorizing and then deauthorizing Off-Worlders (by any means) to gain kills or XP
  • Spamming the dialing buttons/controls so others cannot use them

:small_blue_diamond: Rule 3

Abusing/exploiting in-game bugs or glitches for personal gain, trolling, etcetera, is prohibited. Participating in or being an accomplice to such things, may result in serious punishment.

:small_blue_diamond: Rule 4

Leaving the game/server to avoid moderation intervention/punishment is prohibited and may result in the user receiving additional or more severe punishment for doing so.

:small_blue_diamond: Rule 5

The act of “Cross-Teaming” (helping an enemy team to gain an advantage over others) is prohibited. Examples may include, but are not limited to:

  • Members of the Office of the General or Commanding Officer teams authorizing an Off-Worlder to activate the Self-Destruct Device during a Self-Destruct Raid Event.
  • Helping an enemy team to take control of Capture Points

🎁 In-Game Shop 🎁

:gift: In-Game Shop :gift:


Boosters offer an increased XP gain for a period of time
Credit Cost Duration & Multiplier
Roblox Premium 1.2x XP for duration of membership
250 Credits 30 minute x1.5 XP
500 Credits 1 hour x2 XP
2,000 Credits 3 hour x3 XP
4,000 Credits 4 hour x6 XP


Credits are the primary in-game currency.
Robux Cost Credit Amount
50 Robux 100 Credits
100 Robux 250 Credits
250 Robux 750 Credits
750 Robux 2,500 Credits
2000 Robux 7,500 Credits
5000 Robux 20,000 Credits


Temporary in-game events or tools that last a short period of time, or one life.
Item Name Item Cost Duration Description
SD Raid Event 750 Credits 7 minutes The “SD Raid Event” is an event that forcibly gives Off-Worlders more space in the embarkation room, and during this time they have the ability to attempt to blow up the facility with the Self Destruct Device… if the facility personnel cannot stop them in time and/or reset the device, that is.
Rogue NID Event 800 Credits 5 minutes During this event, the civilian organization known as the National Intelligence Department (NID), become rogue personnel and attempt to take over the facility, being able to kill anyone inside.
AT4 Launcher 200 Credits One Life The “AT4” is technically a smooth-bore recoilless gun, because the ammunition it fires is not propelled by a rocket motor. The launcher is classified as a “disposable Anti-Tank launcher”. You can only carry 4 explosives. This weapon can also be purchased to keep permanently from a locker.
C4 50 Credits One Life “C4” (also known as Composition C4) is a powerful explosive compound made of many ingredients. It can be placed on various blast doors or walls around the facility to blow holes in them. Users can obtain this by purchasing it in the shop. Off-Worlders are given one for free during an SD Raid event.
Frag Grenade 50 Credits One Life A “Frag Grenade”, or “Fragmentation Grenade”, is an explosive device that both, explodes with a concussive force (also receiving the name Concussion Grenade), and explodes fragments of its shell.
Smoke Grenade 40 Credits One Life A “Smoke Grenade” is a type of explosive device that releases smoke once activated and thrown. Smoke Grenades can make it difficult to see around the base and last about a minute or so.
Sodan Cloaking Device 500 Credits One Life The “Sodan Cloaking Device” is a device that makes the user invisible when activated. It can be purchased in the shop or obtained for free from the temple on the planet Thenia. Using the cloaking device removes the user’s ability to use any kind of tools or weapons. The Specialized Response Unit and those who have access to cameras can see “cloaked” users.
Stolen Keycard 30 Credits One Life A “Stolen Keycard” is a Level 1 Clearance Card in-game which can be temporarily used (works only for Off-Worlders, or for teams/users that don’t already spawn with a Level 1 Clearance Card).
Wrench 20 Credits One Life The “Wrench” tool can be used to repair power systems around the facility. This tool can be bought with credits, but it’s also free on the Combat Control Team.

Miscellaneous Gamepasses
💳 Clearance Cards 💳

:credit_card: Clearance Cards :credit_card:

Level 1 Clearance Card [Free]

35% chance to drop upon death

The most basic clearance card. You only have access to non-critical areas and most hallways of the facility with this card.

Level 2 Clearance Card [50 Robux]

30% chance to drop upon death

Slightly higher than Level 1 Clearance Cards. Can access everything Level 1 Clearance Card does, and the Security Doors on Sublevel 28, as well as the Isolation Rooms on Sublevel 15.

Level 3 Clearance Card [200 Robux]

25% chance to drop upon death

Access card that gives clearance to more sensitive areas of the base, such as the Control Room, MALP storage room, and all bulkheads.

Level 4 Clearance Card [850 Robux]

20% chance to drop upon death

This Access card is usually in the possession of officers. It allows access to almost all sensitive areas, such as the Self Destruct Device doors, secondary briefing room, Commanding Officer’s office, and more.

Level 5 Clearance Card [1,750 Robux]

15% chance to drop upon death

The most powerful access card in the game. This card allows access to all doors, bulkheads, and restricted areas. Nothing can stop you.

🖥️ Computer Access Gamepass 🖥️

:desktop_computer: Computer Access Gamepass :desktop_computer:

The Computer Access gamepass allows the player to use the Computers/Terminals found all across the game, but most prominently inside the facility and the Sublevel 28 Control Room.

Screen Displays

  • Gate Info: This screen shows the status of the Earth Stargate. The bars on the screen light up as each chevron is “locked”, and the green light at the bottom lights up if there is an inbound or outbound activation.

  • Gate Radio: Used for roleplay purposes. This displays a message on the screen like, “Connection Established”, “HOTZONE”, “Receiving Audio”. (Has no functional purpose)

  • IDC (Iris Deactivation Code): Used for roleplay purposes. This shows a screen displaying IDC requests and status. (Has no purpose right now because there isn’t an Iris in-game)

  • Stargate Addresses: Shows a list of the current Stargates we can dial to and their corresponding symbols to dial them.

  • Status of Forces: Used to display current USAF friendly personnel and Off-Worlder personnel in game for threat assessment. Auto updates itself as people join/leave.

  • _< Button: Allows the user to return to the main menu of the terminal without exiting the interface. To exit a Terminal, click anywhere outside of the Terminal screen.

Additional Features

  • Camera Control:
    Users with the Computer Access gamepass can control the cameras around the facility, similar to that of the Tablet tool that is given to the Combat Control Team, Commanding Officer team, Office of the General team, Security Forces Team.

  • MALP (Mobile Analytic Laboratory Probe) Control:
    Allows the user to remotely connect to and control 1 of 2 MALPs (found behind the C-3 blast door) inside or outside the facility. If the MALP is off-world and the Stargate connection terminates, the signal will be lost. Use N to cycle through displays.

Code Alarms

Codes indicate the facility status or immediate situation that facility personnel are facing.
Alarm Number Description
Code 1 This is the panic button code, displaying the floor and location of the button pressed, as well as the username of the person who pushed it.
Code 2 There is an ongoing medical emergency somewhere in the facility. All available medical personnel are to respond.
Code 3 The facility is undergoing lockdown procedures. Usually hostile forces have overtaken the facility and Security Forces are tasked with clearing them out.
Code 4 All military personnel should respond to the Stargate Room immediately.
Code 5 Active combat is underway in the facility. This is usually initiated during a Self Destruct Raid, Rogue NID event.
Code 6 A Raid or other hostile event will be starting soon. Facility personnel are encouraged to prepare for incoming hostiles.
Code 7 Emergency Nightwatch Protocol. All personnel are to prepare for evacuation or receive orders from the highest authority on base.
Code 8 An unknown hostile force has been detected inside the facility and all soldiers are advised to be cautious.
Code 9 There are rogue or compromised personnel present in the facility. This is usually used during the Rogue NID event.


The term “DEFCON” stands for “Defense (Readiness) Condition”, indicating the threat the facility faces.
DEFCON Description & Suggested Use
:blue_square:DEFCON 5 Normal operations, 0 hostile forces present in game.
:green_square:DEFCON 4 Slightly higher security. 1 or more hostile forces present in game.
:yellow_square:DEFCON 3 Elevated security watch. All personnel are to monitor key areas (SD, Control Room, etc.) regularly. Several hostile forces are present.
:red_square:DEFCON 2 Emergency protocol. All personnel are to respond or prepare for an emergency situation. Many hostile forces are present, and the base is partially compromised, or a Self-Destruct (SD) Raid has begun.
:white_large_square:DEFCON 1 Highest emergency level. All personnel must respond to the threat immediately and get the situation under control. There are 8 or more hostiles inside, and the facility is compromised, or the Self Destruct Device (SD) is active and running.

Team Limit Bypass Gamepass

Team Limit Bypass Gamepass

The game has a player limit per team. When owned, The Team Limit Bypass gamepass allows you to go onto any team available to you, whether the team is at its player limit or not.

👤 Team Information 👤

:bust_in_silhouette: Team Information :bust_in_silhouette:

Different teams within Stargate Horizons can do different things. Purchasing a team gamepass will allow you to access that team within the Stargate Horizons game on Roblox. All the available teams are listed below with a brief description. Detailed information about every rank can be found on the Team Information Trello board.

Overview of Teams

Off-Worlders (Free)

The Off-Worlders (OW) are the main hostile force that attacks Earth and threatens to take over or destroy the facility. They travel to Earth using the stargate and have unique capabilities.

United States Air Force (Free)

The United States Air Force (USAF) is the primary military force responsible for the Stargate Program. The soldiers are deployed to defend and protect Earth from hostile Off-Worlders, and they make up the bulk of the defense force thereof.

Medical Department (230 Robux)

The Medical Department (MD) is responsible for making sure that all personnel are healthy and combat ready. They act as support for the rest of the forces in the facility and can heal large amounts of health on other personnel.

Stargate Special Operations Command (300 Robux)

The Stargate Special Operations Command (SGSOC) division is an elite branch made up of several “SG” squads that travel through the gate for various purposes. They are the main defense/attack force off-world for Earth. While not off-world, they defend Earth.

Security Forces (500 Robux)

Security Forces (SF) is a task force designed solely for the purpose of defense and protection. They usually serve as guards for high-ranking officials and guarding high security areas, as well as providing assistance in the transfer of goods or people(s) to different locations.

Combat Control Team (650 Robux)

The Combat Control Team (CCT) are the personnel responsible for maintaining and dialing the Stargate, as well as fixing and protecting base power systems and other critical systems. When not doing either, they usually support USAF by directing the combat situation.

Specialized Response Unit (800 Robux)

The Specialized Response Unit (SRU) is an elite task force that specializes in emergency response and threat containment, often working during Raids and other events. They usually guard the Self Destruct Device and other event areas, as well as working with Security Forces to eliminate and contain threats to the facility.

National Intelligence Department (1200 Robux)

The National Intelligence Department (NID) is a civilian based agency that deals with oversight of top-secret programs like the Stargate Program, and often is under orders from the Pentagon or a higher authority. Most of their actions and intentions are classified.

Office of the General (1200 Robux)

The Office of the General (OotG) team is responsible for managing the facility in tandem with the Commanding Officer (who they report directly to), or in the infrequent case, they may even command/manage the facility themselves.

Commanding Officer (4200 Robux)

The Commanding Officer (CO) is the senior most authority commanding the facility. The Commanding Officer works with the members of the Office of the General team to command and manage the facility.