Starscape Custom Mouse Barrier

Hi guys, I want to recreate starscapes mouse collisions for ships but I cannot figure out how. I have tried using GuiCollision by Jaipack17 but the mouse clips to the other side of the frame when I try to. How can I recreate star scapes?

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Could you explain more what you want to create?
I’m not familiar with Starscape.

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Yes, I want to re-create the mouse in this - (10) Starscape: Ship Hotkeys - YouTube

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I still don’t know what you want to recreate…
A hold & drop? A line following the mouse?
How should it work?

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Then, you should check the mouse delta (distance between previous and current position), and depending on its magnitude from screen center point, move the cursor.

local delta = UIS.Delta
newMousePos =, delta.Y) / (1 + centerPointMagnitude * .01)

^ an example of how should it look like more or less CV

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local vpsize = workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize
local screenCenter = / 2, vpsize.Y / 2)
local centerPointMagnitude = (screenCenter -, Mouse.Y)).Magnitude

The higher centerPointMagnitude, the higher the divisor is, so the mouse will move less.
The formula is not perfect though, I used 0.01 as a random value and the whole formula is linear. You probably need to adjust it or replace it with something more advanced, like an exponential formula.