Start up window is incredibly INTRUSIVE, remove it

As you can see, the window is in my way and i have no way of hiding it. So please for the love of builder man fix this and remove the intrusive start up window, it is incredibly annoying and horrific UX


Is this an issue on Mac? On Windows, clicking on anything outside of the upgrading window hides the Studio tab.


It is on Mac, I believe ROBLOX Studio was initially made for windows.

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This should be reported a bug then as it doesn’t occur in windows, rather, only on mac.

#bug-reports:studio-bugs would work?


This launcher hasn’t been touched that much since when “Roblox Studio 2.0” first released (thats 2012 or 2013)

It has not aged well and needs an upgrade.

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it’s just a launcher, shouldnt be that buggy.

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It has to be because when I used to use Windows I never had this problem, but now every time Studio has to update, in whatever app I’m using I have to go fullscreen so it doesn’t intrude.

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It’s not about it being buggy, but the fact that it literally takes up 50% of your screen, with no way of hiding it until ROBLOX Studio launches.

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Yes, this only happens on Mac. I have both macOS and Windows, and it’s just fine on Windows.

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Just click.

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This is an issue on MacOS, you can drag it to the far side of the screen as a workaround

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This is an issue on macOS, not Windows.

Bloxstrap has come with an option on windows to use a native fluent design language for the Roblox launcher which looks much better