Starter Character won't move after putting it in StarterPlayer

Hi!, I might have some issues…

Here’s the character model:

After creating and rigging the character as seen here:

I named the character “StarterCharacter” and placed it into the StarterPlayer folder…

But when I played/ran the game in studio this happened:

To me it looked as almost when the StarterCharacter ‘spawned’ as the player’s character it looks like it’s almost stuck in someway to the spawn base. But I tried WASD and the arrow keys to no movement or even being able to move around besides the player’s idle animations.

Is there anyway that I can resolve this issue? The only other possible answer I might ask is the welding apart of the problem or those that have anything to do with the StarterCharacter not moving?

I’m new to the DevForum so I don’t know if this is the right place to be asking this, or if I’m doing something wrong, haha :sweat_smile:


Check the character humanoidrootpart. Is it anchored? welds can cause this too since my last experience


I checked my model’s humanoidrootpart and it’s anchored, but I cannot un-anchor the humanoid. I’ll check my welds and see if that fixes the problem


*Update after trying to fix this thing, so I tried to un-weld the accessories to see if that would change the situation, and the character is still not able to move. And the humanoidrootpart still cannot be un anchored for some strange reason.
Any thoughts about why this would be happening?


Check the walkspeed. It might caused it.


Why can you not unanchor the humanoid root part?

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Im pretty sure it’s because a weld. Since it might be a part that get welded in

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The walk speed is set to 16, would this be a cause for it?
Screenshot (1011)

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Have you made sure every single limb is unanchored? Highlight the entire character in the explorer. Then go to properties tab and scroll down to anchored.


Check if the humanoid’s feet is welded to the baseplate, I’ve not tried yet but it might be the problem. If it still doesn’t work then try seeing if u’ve anchored anything in the accessories

In fact, did you get the rig from the toolbox?

I have created the rig from the “Build Rig” in the plugins tab

@Mustroomf I checked the humanoids feet and I didn’t find any welds that could be causing it

@koziahss I just now highlighted and completely un-anchored the character model as far as I know

Make a new R15 Rig from Roblox default Plugin (dont know what it name). get all the shirts and pants. Check the WalkSpeed. Try deleting all accesories welds first then add it in a new rig. Name the rig “StarterCharacter” get it in a starterplayer and report a results.

see if the accessory parts are anchored