StarterCharacter has no Clothing

Hello, I have a problem where my StarterCharacter has no clothing, and I need to know why.

Inside the StarterCharacter:
Screenshot 2024-12-03 205320

What I look like with the StarterCharacter:

Yes, the rig type is R6, and here’s the script that puts the players accessories and
pants and shirts I found from another post:

local players = game.Players

		local Humanoid = char:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid")
		if Humanoid then
			local HumanoidDesc = players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(player.UserId)
			HumanoidDesc.Head = 0
			HumanoidDesc.LeftArm = 0
			HumanoidDesc.LeftLeg = 0
			HumanoidDesc.RightArm = 0
			HumanoidDesc.RightLeg = 0
			HumanoidDesc.Torso = 0
			wait() -- Wait for desc to apply
			local humanoidRootPart = char:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart", 5)
			if humanoidRootPart then
				humanoidRootPart.Anchored = false
				warn("HumanoidRootPart not found for character " .. player.Name)
			warn("Humanoid not found for character " .. player.Name)

I don’t think the script is the problem since when I play the shirt’s and pant’s are inside the character. I also made the rig in blender so maybe that has something to do with it but idk.

I tested it just now and it works fine, you should check the following:

  1. Is the StarterCharacter parented to StarterPlayer and not StarterCharacterScripts or StarterPlayerScripts?
  2. Is the script shown a ServerScript parented to ServerScriptService?
  3. Does the StarterCharacter’s humanoid have a HumanoidDescription under it? If it doesn’t you can manually add one by pressing the + icon on the Humanoid in the explorer and looking up “HumanoidDescription”

I think these can narrow down your problem and possibly fix it.

I tried all of that but it didn’t work, its possibly the rig I made from blender but I do not know why it is like that.

Heres the rig if you really want to test it more
BlenderR6Rig.rbxm (30.0 KB)

It applied my character just fine? I’m not sure what the problem is…
EDIT: I’ve just realized that I can’t test it properly because my character doesn’t have “clothing”, I’ll try it with someone else’s UserID to see if your problem occurs.

EDIT 2: I tried it with your UserID and I now see what the problem is, I’m looking further into it now.

The script works fine and it can apply the clothing to your HumanoidDescription as intended, but the problem indeed lies in your custom mesh. It can’t display any shirts or pants properly, even when I try adding a shirt manually through the workspace on the character.
You’ll have to look into “UV Mapping” the mesh correctly, but this I have absolutely zero knowledge or experience on.

Ok, I will look more into it thank you.

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Custom rigs with custom meshes requires you to properly map out the UV’s of the mesh to align with roblox’s texture map. I recommend using blender and it should take only a few minutes due to the relative uncomplex structure of your mesh and the ability to “project from view” in blender. Good Luck!

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