StarterGui intro ends before the ROBLOX loading screen is finished - How to make it wait locally?

Basically, after the default ROBLOX loading screen, the intro for my GUI should start. However, it starts way earlier before the screen is even removed, practically “skipping the intro” and putting the player right into the game.

Any good methods as to how to prevent this?

if game:IsLoaded() then


Same thing, it still finishes the UI before the loading screen goes off.

repeat wait() until game.Loaded

Same thing occurs. No other scripts are affecting the appearance of the UI prior to that.

repeat wait() until game.Loaded
UI.TeleportSequence.BackgroundTransparency = 0
UI.TeleportSequence.LogoFrame.Logo.Size =,0,1,0)

make it wait 1 second after the game is loaded

Edit: Was a typo, works better now. Thanks!

It does delay it, but it’s the same thing. That’s what I did previously with my other script and adding wait() was the only way of having it work through. Other devices may load up differently tho. I need a different approach.