Starting Clothing Design Again - Feedback Please!

Clothing Design Feedback:

Jean Shorts

Jean Shorts - Test


Skirt - Test


Socks - Test

I am still somewhat a beginner, feedback is much appreciated. I won’t be hurt if you do not like it, just please tell me what I can work on.

My Clothing Group In works:!/about

Thank you!


These are really good! Honestly. Keep up the great work!


These are great, I don’t know what feedback I could give.

Keep it up :blush:


Problem is their very bland, Ive seen stuff like these a thousand times, yeah if you already have a following it can be worth it to produce more natural and mundane things however if you want to catch attention for your group the best thing to do is more out there outfits and stuff that goes together with a hat like how we see a lot of “Princess tiara dress” or “Cat hat onsie” and so on

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So far your designs look great, however, they are in need of more detail. You could simply add chains, belts, holes, etc. Those are the most popular details at the moment and will help bring in more income and help with improvement.

While looking at the front of the jeans I noticed that the front looks like it isn’t centered. I’m unsure if that’s how it’s supposed to look or if it was a mistake.

Other than those two things you are doing a fantastic job.


Thats amazing for a beginner! It looks like you’ve been doing this for a while.

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Thank you! I really appreciate the feedback. I will work on adding more assets and details!

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These were actually made for a designing school as an assignment! I will in the future add more assets, etc. The designing school is from the icy3lla server that a lot of designers are in. I appreciate your feedback.

I started about a year ago but I took a break for many months and I am now coming back.

Super cute!! If you want your designs to stand out more, you should try adding things like harnesses, belts, chains, wrinkles, etc. But overall, the designs are super cute!!