Starting Place Feedback

So today I accidentally opened a starting place template and got an idea. I decided to fix up/customize the starting place. I think it looks a bit better now than it did before. I messed with the lighting, terrain, and building. It has all of the same walls and fences, I just added some details. It’s still kind of basic but tell me what you think!

And here’s the game. Starting Place Remake - Roblox


You can make it even better by rotating the buildings to a non 90 degree angle, also you could change the shape of the fence. For something more advanced you could mess with the terrain, because when it’s flat it gets boring pretty fast. You are on the right track : )


I don’t really have anything negative to say. I like the creativity and your idea! This looks really cool. I do, 100%, agree with Temeraire though!

I only edited the colors of the terrain, but thank you so much!

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