Starting to learn 3D Modeling

I’ve currently have been taking a class on 3D Modeling and I’ve been falling in LOVE with it. Here’s something I’ve made today!!
(upload://dXvTlKrSgfGeIOgFFTLx0GJ8tH4.png) dfsdf


If you want some feedback or opinions this should go in this category.

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Use #development-support:building-support if you’re looking for feedback on a build (like Jordan said). Otherwise, use #development-discussion:cool-creations if you’re not asking for feedback but just sharing (use post approval process). This is not the proper category for sharing single builds.

I do apologies. I’m fairly new to using the site.


It looks pretty good in my opinion here are my only suggestions:

  • Maybe add a beach around the island.

  • Add more detail to the light house, you could make the top part transparent and have a light in there.

  • The two different rock colours don’t appeal to me, I think it should just be one.

  • Maybe different tree sizes.

It’s well made. Keep up the good work:+1:

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Hi! Firstly, for a beginner, your work is very good! Your low-poly building works well with the rest of your low poly island. The only few comments I have is, for one, maybe make a smoother transition between the bottom of the lighthouse and the middle. Secondly, the rock on the top looks a little bit odd. Other than that great job dude!

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Try going first for HardSurface modeling as its easier, organic is usually harder if you dont have the right tools

As a low poly enthusiast, I’d say, add more detail to the rocks and trees, not just that make them triangle faces, adds more to the low poly style. Especially with the rocks, rocks have more shape to them than just blocky looks. Good luck with your learnings if you want more tips just DM me on discoed or Forums. I also follow you on Twitter so you can message me there.