Starting with blender soon

Hello, i’m Yor_ick. I would like Some help.

So, Ive been thinking for starting with blender. But I bought a MacBook a year ago. Before I download something, I mostly Try to search hints to start. But I found nothing to save blender models, and same with exporting the models to roblox. Does Anyone know How to do it on MacBook?

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It should just be file\export. You can choose fbx or obj, since those are the two Roblox recognizes.


For reference sake, does the file extension (fbx vs obj) have an impact on how it appears/functions when imported to ROBLOX?

I’m not exactly sure myself, but another topic on this forum has this comparison table as a reason to use fbx:


So FBX is generally superior. Thanks. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for your help dude! I am going to download blender soon.

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