Hello DevForum, I need help on trying to make a simple matchmaking system for my game. All I really need help with is what kind of services should I use and which methods are good for making it.
If you need to know what the game is, it’s basically a drag racing game with three different tracks, where you can customize and race other peoples cars. The idea for a system I have is that theres a big queue of people and it selects 2 random people on random sides inside that queue.
Well if your que is inside the same game you can just use the teleport service mixed with some invite system. Like stepping on a part or clicking a button.
However if your que is in different servers you’ll need to take a look at the MessagingService > Note tho if done incorrectly this can be very performance heavy
Well, the way I have it as of now is that there is a button, when you click it, it adds you to a table, and every 5 seconds it takes two random players from that table and teleports them into a place. When the game is farther along I’m planning to have graphics show the matchup.
If you are doing skill based matchmaking, try adding a system that ranks the player.
1 – players in tier 1 get matched with tier 1
Or you can just have the players click a button to teleport to a server. It’ll spawn them in at random.
As for the queue, just have a script that reads the amount of people that are in the game, then subtract it from the 2 people that are on the drag racing track.
Yeah, this is what I’m planning on the future, so people with way faster cars dont get matched up with people with way slower cars. I really don’t understand messaging service even when reading a lot of stuff about it.