Starwars Speeder


Yesterday and today I have been working and creating a Starwars Speeder, and I’m proud to say that it’s near relative completion, aside from adding some visual effects and the alike!

It comes complete with…

Proper Roll & Pitch
It rotates on hills and required surfaces!

Procedural Animations
When you’re going faster, you will lean in! When you are falling, you will move off your seat! This is done entirely by Inverse Kinematics!

Visual Effects
There is a slight camera tilt, alongside a field of view change when using the speeder and its entirely based off how fast you’re moving!

Proper Suspension
It truly feels as though you’re hovering, you can go over hills extremely easily and bumpy surfaces, all while not shaking around!



To fix the stuttering in the video, I think you can change RenderStepped to Stepped when you update each frame.

Sadly didn’t work. Unless you mean for the camera.

I am talking about the camera, yes. It will probably fix the stuttering you see in the video.