Stary Frozen Crown

I Made some Improvements on smoothing it. It turns out choppy and not what I expected. But whats your thoughts?

In The replies, tell me what I should do to improve?
Important Question that I want an answer for : How do you improve the texture quality?

You can optimize the mesh or if you did then maybe try rotate and spread the stars out. You can also use more of light blue colour to make the model stands out in some places (eg the biggest star). For the question that you want an answer for, you can resize the texture images or enhance quality by using effects in photo editing softwares. Hope this helps you, good luck!

thanks! this is very helpful for my future projects.

First of everything, it doesn’t really resemble a crown. Frozen only represents the color which questions me what it is supposed to represent.

If it was me following the idea.
I’d fatten up the model(while resizing up the stars).

I’d add some spiky ends to show the idea that it’s ice sticking out to present the Frozen theme.

Stary seems to means Stars, but you could use different ways of definiting it. As we are aware in basic temperature sense, when co

  • Frozen Stars Crown,
  • The Frozen Stars,
  • Crown of the Cold Stars

Speaking of stars, the stars could stick out forward a bit from their center, or either going inward.
The center star could perhaps be shaped differently. Perhaps as a 4 corner star instead of 5.

Most importantly the colors really wouldn’t work well like that. As we know in temperature sense, when something gets colder it looks more light.
So maybe instead of dark blue you could make three colors.
From outside to inside:
6298F5, 86ADEF, ADC5EE

Dark Blue is a color I don’t really think would work on Icy structures or accessories in general.