Stateview Correctional Facility Dress Code Policy
Written by Development Team member Flam_ed
Correctional Duties
Class A shall be defined as a uniform used for formal events or used during correctional duties. Class A includes the button-up shirt with a tie.
Corrections Polo shall be defined as a polo shirt used for training’s and events where Facility Director+ deem it necessary to wear the Corrections Polo.
ERT Duties
Uniformed Rigs shall be defined as an operational uniform used when there are high risk situations taking place in the prison.
Uniformed Patrols shall be defined as an operational uniform/polo shirt used for carrying out the duties of a regular Corrections Officer with the tactical weapons and tools you are given as an ERT. It shall also be defined as a uniform used for training’s.
Hair that can be provided if your uniform states that you can wear it looks like so.
Correctional Officers/Correctional Duties
Class A
While wearing the Class A, you must also be wearing;
- Stateview Corrections Cap
- Duty Belt
You may not wear any other accessories or hats besides glasses and a face. The face must be professional unless deemed otherwise by a Chief Executive+. You may also select any hair that is provided.
Corrections Polo
While wearing the Corrections Polo, you must also be wearing;
- Duty Belt
You may not wear any other accessories or hats besides glasses and a face. You can wear the Stateview Corrections Cap if you wish. The face must be professional unless deemed otherwise by a Chief Executive+. You may also select any hair that is provided.
Emergency Response Team/ERT
Uniformed Rigs
While wearing the Uniformed Rigs, you must also be wearing;
- ERT Bulletproof Plate Carrier
- ERT Ballistic Helmet
- Duty Belt
You may not wear any other accessories or hats besides a face. The face must be professional unless deemed otherwise by a Chief Executive+.
ERT Polo/ERT Uniformed Patrols
While wearing the ERT Polo/ERT Uniformed Patrols, you must also be wearing;
- Duty Belt
You may not wear any other accessories or hats besides glasses and a face. You can wear the Stateview Corrections Cap if you wish. The face must be professional unless deemed otherwise by a Chief Executive+. You may also select any hair that is provided.
This order hereby effective as of 05/27/2020.