The “Stats” debug view (accessed via Shift+F1 or View>Stats in Studio) is incorrectly reporting an abnormally high number of Instances. This issue persists across multiple devices and occurs even in completely empty places with no activity, and even without the simulation running.
On a completely empty place with no activity (and no ability for characters to spawn), the Instance count will go up/down even though absolutely zero activity is occurring, the count says well over 60,000+ Instances in-game, and on Studio for me, it says over 750,000+. Instance count will also change in Studio, even when not running the simulation.
I am unsure if this could be in relation to caching, the longer you’ve been using Roblox, the higher this count may get, but this is only speculation.
Expected behavior
The Instance count should remain low (typically a few thousand) for an empty baseplate and should not fluctuate when no changes are being made.