Stats Not saving with RemoteEvent

I am trying to make Plr Stats to be saved but even if i use RemoteEvent it doesn’t save

→ [It saves if changed from console] <—
Local Script:

local up = script.Parent.Add





-- script on the server
local event = game.ReplicatedStorage.Remotes.Str

event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, check)
  if check == "Str" then
    local plyData = player.PlrStats
    if plyData and plyData.Points.Value > 0 then
      plyData.Strength.Value = plyData.Strength.Value + 1
      plyData.Points.Value = plyData.Points.Value - 1

Yes it changes the values when i click and when i check it from server but it doesn’t save.

If you want the data to be the same when the player leaves and then rejoins the game, you’ll have to use Datastores. Datstores allow us to save and load player’s data. For your use case, I recommend just using :GetAsync() and :SaveAsync(). Both of those functions are documented in the link above and here. Since you have multiple values of data you want to save, you’ll most likely either:

  1. Need to use two datastores, one for each separate data value (not recommended)

  2. Use one datastore and save a table that contains both values of data

Example for option 2: A table might contain the values of Strength and Points, and then we could do UserDataStore:SetAsync(player.UserId, data) to save that table of data. I can’t really go in-depth on data saving without it most likely not making sense, so I suggest looking at the resources I provided above as well as some other posts on the DevForum and tutorials on YouTube. Let me know if you have any other questions!

Tried some other ways too

I already use DataStore and leaderstats gets saved successfully
other than leaderstats doesn’t get saved
Tried to combine them into 1 datastore but doesn’t work too for some reason

I really can’t do much thats pretty sad

Ohh Found the Problem…
DataStore was somehow still only Saving leaderstats… I realized it too late because there was no “error”