"Status Code: 404" when attempting to upload meshes

Hello, I am currently trying to upload a character to roblox studio however i am met with the error Status Code: 404. I had this in the last hour when attempting to upload a single mesh and it would take a few tries however it seems with characters made from multiple parts it is failing more often.

Is this an issue with Roblox that i need to wait out or something on my end?


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I checked Roblox’s status page and it says all is working but could be wrong, I’d say for now wait a little bit and try again, and maybe close and re-open studio

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Tried restarting my PC and studio and still the same haha, No problem ill wait until tommorow and give it another shot

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I looked it up, specifically what is it that your trying to upload, when I searched it this problem seemed to happen with meshes and stuff, mainly said make sure the file is not corrupted and file type is correct, probably should check that just in case
(Edit: there are also other posts with the same error while importing things so it could also be Roblox backend related)

Issue appears to be all fixed now on the following day! I assume it was a roblox issue

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