Status of All India Robloxian Group [1/13/2025]

What is AIRG?

All India Robloxian Group (AIRG) started as a community server in 2020 because the Indian presence on Roblox was always very limited.

I created the group on Roblox at the start of 2021, I then sold all my limited items to run ads. This got the group thousands of members.

What happened?

I was developing projects to release to the group but, due to circumstances that I was not prepared for, those projects are on standstill to this day.

The group also became a target for hate, so I disabled the group wall and never ran ads again.

Typically, active groups on Roblox have a team of people who work to keep the group active. AIRG had no such dedicated team.

As of July 2024, the group administration is defunct.

What now?

The community server is not deleted. It is hidden until an unknown future date.

In November 2024, Roblox finally added better security for groups. Because of this, AIRG has been re-opened for all to come and talk.

I will keep reading your posts, so if you have comments or questions, please post them!! Thank you.
