how do you like this weird game
if there are any bugs, please tell me
(steal carrot seeds and grow them simulator - Roblox)
Good idea but the whole game needs a lot of improving
sounds effects
game thumbnails need work too
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game is pretty fun, but needs some improving
- the ui is really sloppy and doesn’t scale correctly, also it doesn’t update when carrots are harvested
- some more sound effects would be nice
- better modeling
- there are also a lot of bugs, such as being able to infinitely sell to the farmer guy
Even if it’s a meme game, I would rather you place a thumbnail of the map in-game along with some other thumbnails.
(P.S. Placing cyan at the menu screen are going to get some people blinded)
- Dialog doesn’t actually display any text, just a bunch of underscores:
- Music doesn’t fit with the game’s vibe. Try going for a city-like music, which you might hear at a night. (Have no idea how to phrase this, just that the music doesn’t fit).
- Please at least place something behind the leaderboard, to actually support it. Maybe place some dirt on the ground near the leaderboard and tilt it to the ground as if it was being burried.
- Animations are not loading for NPCs.
- You should probably make the Spawn transparent and delete its Decal for professionalism. The surroundings of the house look really empty, try placing some trees, grass, shrubs, plants etc.
- ProximityPrompts are not the same for all. For the custom ProximityPrompt, you might want to scale down the text, as it looks slightly too big. The Custom ProximityPrompts also do not have delays, so that might be something you would have to look into.

- Some NPC will not react after not being able to steal from them (not saying “HELPP”)
- For the NPCs, I would suggest that:
- If they see you rob a NPC near them, they will run from you, or…
- The NPC will start running when you reach a certain distance within them.
- I don’t receive any money when I sell my carrots.
ill try to do all of this but im going a vacation in 2 days so i probably wont finish them all(unless i stop procrastinating)
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