StealthCraft Productions Handbook


Welcome to StealthCraft Productions. Feel free to read our handbook to be familiar with the entire rules and regulations of our group, to make it a better place!


  1. Be respectful to higher ranks.
  2. Do not troll.
  3. Do not spam.
  4. Be nice.
  5. Don’t beg for a rank.
  6. Don’t threaten anyone.
  7. Do not let anyone disobey our rules.
  8. Do not feel afraid to stand up.
  9. Help others.
  10. Have fun!

Rank Applications

In order to apply for a rank, the rank you want cannot be applied for if a different role is hiring. If we aren’t hiring you can apply for any rank accept “Very Trusted” as that is limited to my accounts.

Rank Training

After being accepted to start the course for your desired rank, I will start a course similar to an interview you would do for a job. I will review what your expected to do, then I will ask if you have been employed in Roblox before. After that, I will ask a few more questions depending on the role. Once finished you will be judged and ranked accordingly.

Rank Expectations

You are expected to be active in the group as a high rank and follow our rules and regulations or R.A.R. at all times. You will also be expected to show leadership, and grammar during your time messaging in the group. All ranks will be expected to follow those above them in rank. During the training all ranks will be required to read this handbook as well, as it is a staple to keep our group a well-maintained environment.


Q: How do I message the creator personally?
A: Use DevForum or chat in the group letting the creator know you will message an executive (A person in the “Very Trusted” rank.).

Q: How do I become a “Very Trusted” rank?
A: You cannot those are my alternative accounts.

Q: How do I become a Lead Mod?
A: Become a Junior Mod, once I know you are ready, I’ll let you know and rank you.

Q: How do I support the group?
A: Follow the creator, join the group, and promote us if possible.

Q: How do I become allies or enemies with you?
A: Inquire in the wall about being allies or enemies, after the request is sent we will accept it.

Q: How do I leave suggestions?
A: The same way you would message the creator personally.

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Make sure to watch this whole video. iCloud Photos - Apple iCloud