Steamed Hams Animation: Scene Creation Help

I’ve been working on a Steamed Hams animation for a little over a month now and am running out of ideas on how to recreate and enchance a 2D scene into a 3D space. Here’s the progress I’ve made so far:

Exterior of Skinner’s house is complete.

Living Room and Dining Area. Lighting looks a bit weird imo so I’m open to suggestions on how to improve this.

Kitchen hasn’t been built yet so open to suggestions on the things I need to put here.

Close up of the Porch.

Krusty burger is still being built. I’ve got a pretty good idea on what to do here, but feel free to make suggestions.

Better view of Dining Area lighting.

Living Room lighting.

I’ve still got the neighborhood houses to build, the paintings, Global Illumination tweaking, and various other locations and details.

I’m a bit short on time, seeing as how my last video has been posted nearly 2 months ago and I’m trying to get this out as soon as possible.
With the suggestions, keep in mind that I’m mostly trying to keep this as close to the original as possible with minor realistic improvements and details.


This looks amazing! It’s so Realistic and Well Made.

Can’t wait to see more projects from you!

Good luck!