Steams'd | FAQ Information

Steams’d Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: How do I join the group?
A: Join by this link Steams’d.

Q: How do I work for Steams’d?
A: You must go to our Application Center.

Q: How do we know when sessions for shifts, interviews, and training’s start?
A: We announce them on our group shout or within our Discord.*

Q: How do we earn promotions?
A: You must read Promotion Guide.

Q: What do I do if I have a question or concern?
A: You can private message any MR+ on Roblox or within our official Discord.

Q: How do I get interviewed within Steams’d?
A: You must go to Steams’d Interview Center.

Q: How do we know Steams’d Code of Conduct?
A: You must go to Steams’d Code of Conduct.

Q: How can I stay updated frequently and instantly with the group?
A: You may join our communications server and stay updated with public announcements and the community constantly each day. Code: gnR8CdP

Q: How can I be apart of the development team?
A: You must wait for applications to open they can be found within our Discord. Then you must go through a advanced training.

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