Steams’d Job Information
Job Information
- Ranks are given through application, interview or promotions. Skipping ranks is not allowed, excluding suspended. Ranks are not sold, free-ranked, or granted to friends. Must go through the application or interview process, then training.
- Abusing moderator commands or administrator commands will lead to severe consequences and termination. This goes to abusing the group shout.
What ranks stand for:
-LR stands for low rank, Trainee - Senior Barista
-MR stands for middle rank, Staff Assistant - Management
-HR stands for high-rank, Executive Assistant - Managing Director
-SHR stands for senior high rank, Executive Director - Executive President
How to get promoted:
- -Promotions are given to staff members that have good work ethics, great grammar, awesome activity with the group, being beneficial, and following all rules and regulations of Steams’d and Roblox. Do not hint/ask for promotions, or your chances will decrease extremely.
- -Moderator commands or admin commands are not sold or given for free. They are automatically granted to MR/HR/SHR upon joining Steams’d games, except the application center.
- All Roblox rules and regulations are to be followed at all times, including Steams’d rules.
- All interview and training hosting plus helping procedures must be followed.
- Be professional and mature at all times, regard to the Staff Code of Conduct for more information.
- Must go through the training process to receive the next rank! Once you are a Senior Barista, you will need to work your way up to the next set of ranks which are known as the Middle Ranks.