Bumping this again, is there a fix coming anytime soon? It was promised a few times already and it still hasn’t come, it’s a persistent issue for most or almost everyone I do know who owns an index, including myself.
Bumping this again, is there a fix coming anytime soon? It was promised a few times already and it still hasn’t come, it’s a persistent issue for most or almost everyone I do know who owns an index, including myself.
Update, this is still happening. Is there going to be any changes coming to fix this for some devices?
Steamvr always continues to launch alongside roblox, it’s been over half a year now that i’m dealing with this, i’m not damaging my cables to unplug nor editing my steamvr configs to play roblox.
Happy one year anniversary of this bug existing!
(please fix im so tired of this)
Yaay! Been suffering since last year about it!
This hasn’t been fixed. Please fix.
Please, someone needs to take a serious look at this. Actually take it serious. I am so tired of having to rename my SteamVR folder. There is absolutely no way this has existed for over a year and it still hasn’t been patched. I’m glad we’re getting better VR support but the lack of actual bug fixing is absolutely insane for Index / Non-Meta Quest users.
Please make this a priority bug report.
The deed has been done.
Context: SteamVR also caused a issue to only allow one instance of roblox or roblox studio open so that was the alternative issue presented to be fixed in a video I demonstrated but idk if external links to other websites are allowed on forums so can’t post the link to video.
Right now I’m just unplugging my HMD. Works, but annoying.
Easier to just move the “win64” file out of SteamVR/bin onto the desktop, it’ll prevent the entire app from running.
So due to the underlining issue being delayed constantly, I tried my hand at making a quick and easy program to enable or disable SteamVR.
I wrote a program in which you tell it where your SteamVR is currently installed at, and it will simply rename the vrserver.exe to vrserver.exe.disabled and vise versa.
I am a noob when it comes to C# so please don’t yell at me.
If there are any issues you encounter, please post it in the issues page.
Any updates on this? It’s been a minute since any sort of staff response was made.
Bump. Still a problem. It’s probably extremely far down the list of backlog items, but at least give it to a junior dev or something as a newbie ticket. It was fixed before so I’m betting it’s in your commits somewhere anyway. Please!
There has been no new update on this. The “fix” mentioned previously did not do anything. This is just disrespectful at this point. It’s a genuinely annoying bug that forces people to do tedious workarounds in order to actually play or develop. Please just fix this!
Bump. Read up on some history back in 2017 . It seems like the issue allegedly lies within SteamVR, and there was a back and forth between zeusx and Valve about an API bug, but that turned out entirely fruitless.
There was also a comment by 0xBAADF00D letting us know about the VR toggle setting, of which doesn’t work, at least on my machine.
And a Reddit post talking about the currently only functioning “workaround” short of unplugging hardware, renaming the folder/binaries. This is frankly unacceptable as software developers.
In another comment in the same thread, the poster outlines configuring some Roblox settings .xml files directly. This doesn’t work either. None of the VR settings seem to have the intended effect.
<bool name="Enable VR Mode">false</bool>
<bool name="HasEverUsedVR">true</bool>
<bool name="VREnabled">false</bool>
<bool name="HasEverUsedVR">true</bool>
<bool name="VREnabled">false</bool>
So, the bug about the client and Studio app not respecting the VREnabled setting aside, why does the Studio app even hit the SteamVR server in the first place?
According to DevForum rules,
“In other sections of the Developer Forum, links relevant to the post that do not lead to content that violates the Community Standards are allowed.”
that also sort of gray-area conflicts with Roblox Community Standard rules,
“Any other efforts to direct users off of Roblox to an external website or service are prohibited”
I’m choosing to leave the partial external links in. If they’re a problem, I will remove them.
**Just found this one. Go vote.
Still happening in Roblox Studio…
I forgot I had my headset plugged in, since I regularly use it as a microphone. My bad lol
I’ve been having this issue for a long time now, but haven’t been able to add to this thread until recently.
For a short while, it opened both with Player AND Studio, but eventually the Roblox Player issue did stop happening (though other friends say it still happens for them, not sure what’s going on anymore). I have not had to rename my SteamVR folder before launching Player anymore; however, it continues to launch with Studio. (I have VR disabled in both Player and Studio)
Sure, renaming the folder before launching either client works, but I’ve gotten used to not having to do it anymore with Player that every time I open Studio, it still launches SteamVR and automatically turns on my base stations and everything. I don’t even do game development or anything, I’m just an animator with no use for VR in studio, which makes it all the more annoying.
It just feels like the actual toggles for VR in Studio and Player are a hit or miss, which probably adds to why this issue has been so trivial to fix.
If there’s anything we as the community could provide to help move this forward, I’m sure we’d really like to know, since this has been happening for over a year now.
This is a very pertinent issue, as any time I launch roblox studio, the roblox player, and also create test servers, SteamVR opens… opening several other tools and plugins that I use when I am playing in VR along with it. This occurs despite having no headset plugged in.
I can understand confusion from people who want to use VR, but I do not understand why it always automagically overwrites VR Enabled
, even if a headset is “detected.” I believe it should be on the burden of the user to either choose to run in VR or desktop mode through launch options or a simple dialog prompt, and then launch with the appropriate mode, or do not overwrite the VR Enabled setting, and require users to manually enable it if they wish to play in VR.
Another solution can be to use a toggle on the apps themselves, which once enabled or disabled will launch / close the VR mode of the app, and similarly launch / close games in VR mode, though I think a dialog prompt would be more convenient.
The cycle:
Next Release: Fixed
Next Release: Broken
Next Release: Fixed
Next Release: Broken
Next Release: Fixed
Next Release: Broken
This bug hasn’t been fixed nearly in 2022, But now configuring the XML file will have a chance of changing it back to “true” and launch it in VR Mode, Happened to me almost 10 - 20 times, Only with the Oculus Link software (Due to me using Oculus Link as the OpenXR runtime instead of SteamVR)
Might have been fixed with the regular player, but issue still persists in studio.