SteamVR once again automatically opens whenever starting roblox

There is a better alternative that doesn’t involve messing with cables, as there can be damage if you constantly do that.
Move the SteamVR folder from steamapps, wherever it was installed, to your Desktop. It won’t run VR if its not able to even find it. Just move it back whenever you want to use VR.

Still encountering this months later, I don’t understand how this is such a big problem.

At this point, it shouldn’t matter about the launch times. Whenever my SteamVR is forced opened, by ROBLOX. It causes my game to run slower and studder at times. I shouldn’t have to rely on a program I wrote to temporarily disable my SteamVR at the convince of some lazy developers trying to “find a work around”. I highly doubt this is being monitor, or reviewed at this point. It’s been months, and a solution hasn’t been put into place. I couldn’t care less about launch time.

Fix this issue already


Bump. Still an issue. The renaming the SteamVR folder workaround is a workaround that shouldn’t be necessary.


Happy (late) new years, folks. Doing a checkup on this again… still got this issue, except now I’m just dumbfounded at the lack of transparency and the fact that there still isn’t a single permanent fix.


Same, issue is still prevalent. New windows installation, reinstallation of Studio and SteamVR. This bug has been prevalent for literally years at this point, so frustrating


Why the hell is this still an issue? Forgive my rudeness but there is no way this is some unfixable megabug to be ignored for this long when it’s basically destruction of any VR owner’s experience.

I feel like it was easy to shrug this off as just taking a while at first, but now I am realizing that it’s taking far far longer than is easily justified.


Still trying to understand why ROBLOX Staff and Developers are ignoring this issue. It’s so mind blowing that they’re only choosing to prioritize support for the Meta Quest, instead of a universal support of any headset. The Valve Index is the second commonly used VR device. As I mentioned before, I couldn’t care less about launch times. It already feels sluggish to get into an experience already. I’m sure it’s not that hard to add a simple check for “IsVREnabled” and just go along with the process.

Please, for crying out loud. It’s been well over a year or two now and this is still being ignored. Is there even a point to having an “Engine Bugs” thread if they’re not going to actually work towards most of it?


vr isnt a priority, while being a priority, they take the time to support some headsets, but ignore experience breaking bugs that have existed for literal years

Roblox is the whole reason i find it a pain to get running, because i know once i shut everything down, ill forget to disconnect my headset and itll all be rebooted once i start roblox up, even Studio does it, and you cant even play vr in studio (as far as i can see, I am using an Index so if everyone knows if it does and can share how please dm me)

I shouldn’t have this issue, nobody should

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Interestingly enough, because of this on going issue I never tried to use VR Studio for a GOOD WHILE. Last time I remember using it was before I got my index. I can try and see if I can get it to launch with my index. I last recall that your device / steamvr has to be open and/or ready before launching Studio. Otherwise, studio won’t recognize it. However, if it’s force-launching and still not working. I’m not sure of that issue.

Me asking if there will be an update to this issue, whether or not any progress has been made, has been marked as spam.

Therefore, I am asking again if @MetaVars or any other employee that has worked on this bug report can enlighten us with any form of update regarding this issue that has been present since June of 2023 instead of ignoring our complaints and pleads.

See, the one thing that would be good is that if you want to develop VR games, it just runs it for you, but VR development is so broken it makes me question if they did any testing on it with an Index headset.
But of course, most if not all developers just want to not have VR open whenever they choose to open studio. Funky how it’s been half a year now since the thread was opened.

Please fix this issue as soon as possible. It’s been affecting my loading times negatively and it can take up to 2 mins to load into Roblox.

just turn off vr in the settings. should fix it

I mean, there’s no such option for studio. It doesn’t even make sense to load studio in VR. And to top it all, closing steamVR also forces studio close

I disabled VR both in testing and in the studio settings under rendering.

Screenshot 2024-01-22 145136

Still opens it by itself.

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We’re currently investigating this issue and working on a resolution. I understand that this has been a disruptive experience and thank you for your patience.


This issue needs to be escalated further.
It is a major UX issue which completely prevents people from playing if a VR headset is connected. A simple diaglog that asks the user if they’d like to play in VR upon launching the client with a headset connected (like 99% of VR games) would be feasible, and would not need any major client changes.

Considering many people have been waiting for a fix for years now, I think there needs to be an investigation as to why the issue has not been fixed yet. :neutral_face:


There has been 211 days between the original bug report and your reply. So far, we have had one official statement regarding a fix to this, and it was to say that the fix had to be revoked for further testing.

The fact that there is no higher priority for an issue that has been plaguing us for 211 days is completely irresponsible for the same people that claim to value communication. The fact that it took months inbetween statements to get something as simple as “We’re working on it” is disheartening and does not bode well for the future of this company and product.

As Zeno stated, either you or someone who is able to needs to bring this to a higher priority, especially when ROBLOX is now promoting VR on their platform. No bug should last this long without even a semblance of communication inbetween testing or downtime.


Can’t believe this hasnt been fixed. roblox what are you doing??? Im still having issues with this.