Stewed Handbook
Welcome to Stewed’s Official Handbook! In this handbook, you can find information to help you, and answer most of your questions. If you have any questions, concerns, or inquires, you may DM any member of the Operations Department in our communications server.
Cafe Rules and Regulations
Cafe Rules and Regulations
- Cursing is prohibited and can result in a ban or an immediate kick.
- Racism is in no form allowed.
- You must be respectful to everyone.
- Spamming is prohibited.
- Do not advertise.
- Exploiting is not allowed.
- Abusing capitals isn’t allowed.
- Trolling is not allowed at all.
- Glitching is not allowed.
Recipe Guide
Recipe Guide
The recipe guide is coming shortly and is not done yet due to the cafe being still in development.
Affiliate and Alliance Application
Alliance Application
If anyone is wondering how to become an affiliate with Stewed, then your in the right place. The requirements, and application are as follows:
The group must have a requirement of a minimum of 500 unbotted group members.
The group must not have any bad, negative connections in regards of Stewed’s franchise or its affiliates.
The group must have a mature, organized communications server, and group deemed as fit by Stewed’s Public Relations Department.
The group’s employed staff must be professional, mature, and fairly hand-picked that represents an organized, well-thought server.
The group must be a company-type franchise such as a restaurant, hotel, resort, spa, cafe, and to be continuous.
The group must be fairly active by hosting events, being cooperative, and ect.
Affiliate Application
What is the name that is associated with the group that wishes to apply for a partnership?
Why do you wish to affiliate with Stewed?
How could Stewed benefit from the group?
Which two members from the group that is in a way associated with the Public Relations Department of the group will be representing?
How many members does the group have in the group and communications server?
On a scale of one to ten, how would the staff members be rated based off of professionalism, maturity, experience, and such as deemed fit?
On a scale one to ten, how active is the group of having daily conversations, events being hosted, and such as deemed fit?
If you want to submit an affiliate application, you may DM any member of the Public Relations Department.
Rank Information
Rank Information
Customer = ∞
Noted Customer = ∞
Trainee = ∞
Junior Barista = ∞
Barista = ∞
Senior Barista = ∞
Staff Assistant = 25
Kitchen Assistant = 15
Supervisor = 20
Manager = 10
General Manager = 10
Executive Assistant = 12
Corporate Officer = 9
Developer = ∞
Vice President = 3
President = 1
Chairwoman = 1
Chairman = 1
Group: Stewed.
Twitter: Stewed Twitter.
Forum posted on behalf of dyfined (Chairman).