Hey devs!

I’m working on a new PvP game, Sticks & Stones. In this game you can either kill other players or dummies, and then spend kills on obtaining new weapons. You can buy multipliers in order to increase the amount of kills you get per kill. The more expensive weapons do more damage and offer higher speed boosts, and even have abilities. Coins will spawn with different rarities. The higher the rarity, the more kills you will be granted. There are also incredibly rare Mythical Enchantments that have a tiny chance of spawning but have devastating abilities. If you plan on playing lmk so I can give you kills in order to test the weapons.

the UIs are too basic by the way


I agree that the UIs need a bit of work. You should consider toning down the brightness a little bit and consider choosing a colour palette/theme for your UIs (which normally comprises 3 colours in a 60% / 30% / 10% ratio).
Have you thought of adding some effects for when you hit something with the sticks or a knockback to the character when hit. These things help improve the feel that your mouse clicks/screen taps actually have an affect in the game world.


How can they be improved? I’m not a very talented UI designer.

Adding a knock back sounds like a great idea - I was under the impression that (besides for the enchantments page) the uis were pretty equal in color. Light blue, white, blue.

Same here to be honest, however we don’t need to be as the DevForum is always here to help. I think the colour choices you have at the moment are a little on the “bright” side of the colour spectrum, but that is merely an opinion.
If you have a look under the Community Tutorials, then you will find style guides and great hints on how to make a good UI.

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