This should be as a separate function from itself, there’s no need to be nesting it inside your GetPropertyChangedSignal function
Also if this is a Value Object, you can just simply use the .Changed Event to detect when the Value changes instead of using GetPropertyChangedSignal, sure they work the same but .Changed is exclusively for this occasion
Also, your second or statement will not work because WaitForChild()is a yielding function, and will completely pause the script’s thread until a result has been found back
You can fix this by adding a Timeout on the second parameter, in case it returns back as nil
Also for me on how I would personally take this, I would just combine this into 1 main function and connect it onto 2 Events so that you can detect for both the .Changed Event, and when you detect OnClientEvent signals:
local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local RemoteEvents = replicatedStorage:WaitForChild("RemoteEvent")
local NetEvent = RemoteEvents:WaitForChild("UpdateNet")
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local backpack = player:WaitForChild("Backpack")
local HiddenStats = player:WaitForChild("HiddenStats")
local CurrentNet = HiddenStats:WaitForChild("CurrentNet")
local Tool = backpack:FindFirstChild(CurrentNet) or player.Character:FindFirstChild(CurrentNet)
local function UpdateNet(Net)
Tool = backpack:WaitForChild(Net, 1) or player.Character:WaitForChild(Net, 1)
if Tool == nil then
warn("Tool has not been inserted correctly!")
NetEvent:FireServer(Tool, Tool.Parent)
thank you for helping, the same error still happens and tool is still nil for some reason, on the server side of this its a shop and im buying or equipping my owned items and destroying all of them inside of the backpack already then replacing it with the newly bought item, its still trying to get the old item and also spitting this error out exception while signaling: The Parent property of Item is locked, current parent: NULL
for i,tool in pairs(player:WaitForChild("Backpack"):GetChildren()) do
if tool:IsA("Tool") then
local Net = game:GetService("ServerStorage").NetTools:FindFirstChild(player:WaitForChild("HiddenStats").CurrentNet.Value):Clone()
Net.Parent = player:WaitForChild("Backpack")
ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvents:WaitForChild("UpdateNet"):FireClient(player, Net)
This is because you’re not implementing any sanity checks when you call FindFirstChild(), sure it might be able to properly find the object but if that line doesn’t work then your script will result in an error with no proper fix around it
Also, you’ll have to remove the Tool that the Player’s Character is holding as well when you loop through the Player’s Backpack but thankfully we have a function called Humanoid:UnequipTools(), so we can call that before we run our loop and it should work like this:
local Char = player.Character
if not Char then
local HiddenStats = player:WaitForChild("HiddenStats")
local CurrentNet = player:WaitForChild("CurrentNet")
local Hum = Char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local Backpack = player:WaitForChild("Backpack")
for _, Object in pairs(Backpack:GetChildren()) do
if Object:IsA("Tool") then
local Net = game:GetService("ServerStorage").NetTools:FindFirstChild(CurrentNet.Value)
-- KEEP IN MIND, THAT "Net" CAN RETURN 2 OPTIONS: "nil", or the Object found
if Net ~= nil then
local Clone = Net:Clone()
Clone.Parent = Backpack
ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvents:WaitForChild("UpdateNet"):FireClient(player, Clone)
So, apparently I didn’t see this but it doesn’t look like you’re changing the CurrentNet.Value whenever we find it that it’s valid on the server side
And on the client side, we can move our local Tool into our UpdateNet(Net) function so that we can properly call it whenever necessary
-- Client
local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local RemoteEvents = replicatedStorage:WaitForChild("RemoteEvent")
local NetEvent = RemoteEvents:WaitForChild("UpdateNet")
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local backpack = player:WaitForChild("Backpack")
local HiddenStats = player:WaitForChild("HiddenStats")
local CurrentNet = HiddenStats:WaitForChild("CurrentNet")
--local Tool = backpack:FindFirstChild(CurrentNet) or player.Character:FindFirstChild(CurrentNet)
local function UpdateNet(Net)
local Tool = backpack:WaitForChild(Net, 1) or player.Character:WaitForChild(Net, 1)
if Tool == nil then
warn("Tool has not been inserted correctly!")
UpdateNew(CurrentNet.Value) -- We actually want to call this once lol
NetEvent:FireServer(Tool, Tool.Parent)
-- Server
local Char = player.Character
if not Char then
local HiddenStats = player:WaitForChild("HiddenStats")
local CurrentNet = player:WaitForChild("CurrentNet")
local Hum = Char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local Backpack = player:WaitForChild("Backpack")
for _, Object in pairs(Backpack:GetChildren()) do
if Object:IsA("Tool") then
local Net = game:GetService("ServerStorage").NetTools:FindFirstChild(CurrentNet.Value)
-- KEEP IN MIND, THAT "Net" CAN RETURN 2 OPTIONS: "nil", or the Object found
if Net ~= nil then
local Clone = Net:Clone()
Clone.Parent = Backpack
ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvents:WaitForChild("UpdateNet"):FireClient(player, Clone.Name)
I’m unsure why it’s printing nil, but make sure for yourself to add some print() statements to further debug the issue
i really dont know know man, nothing is changing at all its still nil i have no idea why, its loading correctly, its actually there in the backpack but its still nil