.STL to roblox

Ethan made a good point.
So I decided why not just allow us to import .STL files.

[quote]CSGs are watertights, OBJs are not

When CSGs are separated they don’t magically generate the composing parts, those parts are saved in the mesh as child data when the CSG is created.

Physics wouldn’t work properly because they aren’t watertight
They wouldn’t be compatible with other CSGs
A better solution is to just suggest how roblox can make their system better.[/quote]

Most .STL files are modeled in applications such as ‘SolidWorks’ which just so happens to use Constructive Geometry modeling.


CSGs are watertights, OBJs are not

When CSGs are separated they don’t magically generate the composing parts, those parts are saved in the mesh as child data when the CSG is created.

Physics wouldn’t work properly because they aren’t watertight

They wouldn’t be compatible with other CSGs

A better solution is to just suggest how roblox can make their system better.

What about allowing us to use Solidworks.

there’s a quick calculation to see if a mesh is watertight

The main issue with CSG is that you have to form it out of primitives, and not trigs

I made a .obj loader, that turns a .obj mesh into a bunch of WedgeParts, it’s on my alt Section2B, and it’s called BuildIn Libraries, it’s somewhat old, so it may need a little maintenance by now, also, you can use blender to turn a .stl into a .obj, via the import and export

If you really wanted, you can try turning the Wedges into a CSG, but it might be difficult

Even in SolidWorks, you can make objects that are inside-out. I’ve done it.

but also yes, software like SolidWorks or Inventor (if the student licenses allow you to export to any file type you like) would be very nice to make meshes in.