Group Link: Spin UGC - Roblox
Person who stole the group: tashabestegirl - Roblox
Hey, so a while ago, i created “Spin UGC” where i would be making like random troll items, and we were a friend group running this at the time and I was the original group creator, then i passed it down to a friend of mine after some internal drama happened, and that same friend eventually got hacked and had to get the original owner of the group (me), soo i had to use my only account restore for the group back, and then when i asked to get the robux back that they stole into the group , they were like “we gave it to you on accident, were reverting the ownership back to the empty account who stole it”, and this obviously triggers me cause this was my group and i gave it to my friend, just for it to get stolen by some random, and now im here. Sure, i wasnt the one who got hacked, but my friend was, and he wasnt able to recover the group either.
(sorry if this is the wrong area to put this at, im just kinda mad for a good reason, i can send proof of emails if needed)
What do I do? I am now down my own UGC group and robux too.