Stone hatchet I made in Blender

Working on a new survival game and I decided to learn how to use blender so I could make it by myself. This is one of my first blender creations, a stone hatchet. Let me know what you think and also give me tips so I can make it better and/or get better at it.

I think it’s pretty cool so don’t come at me.






It looks really good for a first model! If you wouldn’t mind sharing how you made the hatchet head, I’d love to know how you modeled it!

I think it looks good, keep it up.

It looks really good for one of your first creations. But the hatchet doesn’t seem to be sharp.


Could use some rope around the the handle and the stone part, It’s kind of weird how it goes through it. It looks really bland without a texture, I could teach you how to texture/color it if you want in DMS. Other then that looks like the stone was stretched, I really suggest some sort of rope to bind the stone with the handle.

Really good job though for your first time in blender, I’ve seen ALOT worse, most people just quit right after trying. Good job on that. I like how the stick has a bend and progressivly grows at the top, I think that gives it a nice feel.

The stone looks pretty rugged, I think it could use some more smoothing. From what I can tell, looks like you just took a referance image or did a hatchet shape with a referance, Either you traced it out or did it from memory and kept going back to the image.

Looks like you may have traced it with a single vertice and kept extruding it to get the hatchet shape, after this you might have press f to make a face in the shape of a flat hatchet. I would think that you would press E to extrude and make it thicker into a square on both sides, then used S to resize all the axes and that is why its so rugged. I’m not sure at all how you did this and I’m just guessing.

The stick could have just been a extruded cylinder and shaped the top part to go with the hatched to give sort of a “fit”? Anyway looks pretty good all around but the weird this is how the hatchet has a different amount of faces then the stick, It’s kind of highpoly and lowpoly combined?

So, the top part of the hatchet has a extremely flat surface, it kind of sticks out and makes it look more cylinder. I think you could round it off by extruding it and using s to make it rounder, or if you had rope like I said earlier.

I’m no hatchet expert, but its very abnormal to have it going through the stick. Another option would be to have a cylander bigger then the stick but not too big, it would look like it was built to slide on or something like that.

Then again if this is your style and how you want the game, disregard everything I’ve said and continue with your day. I think this unique in a way if you kept it like that. Good work for a programmer… I never seen a programmer do something like this. 10/10

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Thank you for all the amazing feedback, I will work on getting something to make it look like the stone is secured onto the handle. The idea was that it was supposed to look like the hatchet head was stuck through the stick through a hole, it was supposed to look pretty primitive due to it being a survival game and starting out with nothing.

Although your estimates on the creation of the hatchet itself was a little off. I threw a reference image in and used two planes, I shaped them in Edit mode in the 2D view where you click the little axis thing, then just edited the four vertices you start with and got them in the “rough” general shape of the thing I was tracing. I then just used loop cuts to get it more towards the actual shape. To make everything thicker I used loop cuts and sequentially selected vertices to pull it out to make it more 3D. I didn’t insert any shapes it was made entirely from planes. I also used a mirror modifier to save time on the other side.

I don’t really know how to texture in blender and was just gonna use the native ROBLOX textures on the parts. However if you know any good tutorials for texturing I would love to see them.

Here are some pictures so you can see it all!

Here is the hatchet without the mirror modifiers, you can see it’s inset which would be because it’s made of panes which are pulled outwards to make it more 3D!


Here are some pictures of all the vertices:


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Thank you I appreciate the feedback, the hatchet is fairly sharp as it comes to a good point at the edge.

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Thank you I appreciate the feedback, and I will continue to learn how to use Blender and how to make better models.

You can see how I made it in this reply: Stone hatchet I made in Blender - #6 by tannnxr


I feel like you’ve made this very well. The only things are:
It seems a little… too blocky. Shading it smooth may help, but it looks weird sometimes. The model looks very bland without a texture also. You should add more detail such as ropes around the blade, or handle. Another thing, the top of the handle looks too big. Last thing is, it looks very small in studio.

Overall, amazing first model!

Thank you for the feedback, like I said to someone else i’ll work on getting the ropes lashed around the head and handle. I also agree with you on it being too small, I will scale it up a bit in studio. The reason the handle looks a bit bigger on top is because it’s for a survival game so I’m looking for a crude style.

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That looks awesome! I’d love to know how you learned!

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Thank you ! I just hopped into blender one day, watched a video on the basics then started creating random things and learned some techniques.

You can try watching this video on youtube!

Amazing! Might try and make something to add onto my portfolio in the near future.

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