I tried so many things and seen different topics but nothing has seen to work for me. I want the billboard gui to scale max to a specfific size so it stays like this:
and doesnt scale that big:
I tried so many things and seen different topics but nothing has seen to work for me. I want the billboard gui to scale max to a specfific size so it stays like this:
Set the size of the TextLabel to {1, 0},{1, 0} and set the size of the BillboardGui using scale instead of offset.
Thanks for replying, I tried that and this happens:
increase the scale of the billboard gui. you’ve made it too small to fit all of the text.
Same thing happens, after being too far away bottom label disappear and when too close they are together in the same position.
As other replies have pointed out the BillboardGui and its descendants need to use scale to stop it from expanding as you move away.
But it doesn’t have to be {1,0,1,0} it can be any scale so try messing with the scale of both text labels until you get the desired result maybe try setting the farm text labels size to {1,0,.7,0}, the numbers size to {1,0,.3,0} and the numbers position to {0,0,.5,0}?
Yes, it’s called a UISizeConstraint.