Stop character from tilting when colliding

I am using a custom starter character, The collison group is not activated, meaning the player’s body parts cannot collide with anything.

I have welded a part onto the Humanoid Root Part, this serves as a hitbox and can collide with everything else in the workspace (different collision group), and works pretty well.

The problem Im facing is that when I touch a half-block for example the spawn brick, the character rotates a bit.

I have tried adding an Align Orientation to the Humanoid root part, and enabled rigidness along with all axis torque. This does work but there’s a problem with this solution aswell

The player only faces in one direction, moving around does not (auto rotate) the character, it just keeps looking north.

I am looking for another approach to fixing this, or if you know how to solve this problem using AlignOrientation, please let me know.

colliding with the spawn tilts the character, the white radioactive pillar thingy is the hitbox part. Ignore the ones in the background, they are not important.

if your character has a humanoid inside it, set the hipheight to soemthign like “2”. then make the collsion block at the same height and size as the custom players torso.

AlignOrientation has a few Properties that cause it to be affected in different axes. Check out the information about the AlignType Property in the Affected Axes section of the link.